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My app made ​​appjs

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Nov 16, 2013, 3:10:22 PM11/16/13
Good afternoon ,

I do not speak English well , what can I do.

A few days ago finished AppJS based management .

I wanted to thank everyone . Since CEF to AppJS , to all programmers who have allowed me to do something nice .


14 months ago I was commissioned an administration for a group of 10 computers . At first I started programming with C , but the results left much to be desired graphics . Besides that was very detached development to ideas. It took too long to program something simple.

The program was to make very many connections to a server hosted in a private data center , so that virtually no consultation would be carried out offline .

After meeting with CEF surprised me how clever to include a browser for an app , I actually said " it is impossible to work." But now , after so many months can say YES ... works.

Without going into details of the system (server ) where everything is scheduled , I will focus on what the APP , if never finish .

My obsession is based on the stability of the app . As we all know you can not work in a browser as a native app . It is basically impossible. I thought so many months ago . But I found AppJs .

The stability is based on small subtleties , what the hell ... I 'm going to write in case anyone gets to make a large admin , just serve :

my commandments

-Content not selectable (CSS)
- Cursor default (CSS)
- ScrollBars customize (view webkit)
- Always use ajax in links and forms
- Always wear loaders , even for the most silly
- Before including a content in the app always add events before , never after .
-That the file " / app / data / content / index.html" has almost no content . Simply a hidden iframe to the administration . That iframe should load after 1000ms , for the CEF to stabilize. After loading the iframe show iframe , iframe onload detected by . 
- Custom title bar .
- And buttons to close , minimize and expand custom .
- The widths of the app dynamic , always with % .
- Use CSS3 gradients , avoid images. Although it seems silly not. Funds generated by CSS3 Uasar increases overall stability. And the quality of graphics.
- Use Font Awesome for icons, that beauty
- Using a lightweight JS . I have implemented a script to add events in a fast very comfortable , like cssQuery , but really fast . cssQuery is weak .
- Spend a lot of time printing, to leave all blown away to see the app informaticos .
- Do not show images loading , only when fully discharged .
- I omitted heavy scripts or jquery type frameworks .
- Only a single css and js file . It is logical, but I can not see web links with 30 scripts.
-Always native Scrolls
Ugh, is that many silly things, and it is to lose much time. To me it was worth .

I can not speak from inside the app , because it's a big world . That if security , uploads , databases ... too .

Just wanted to let you cosntancia AppJS in my opinion is a good thing. I have really improved much illusion as CEF . It can be crazy . It saddens me a little memory consumption CEF , is that they are very few compared to other browsers , but not with native apps .

So if someone has to make an intranet with a adminitración app , you know that better than AppJs impossible.

Deputy catches , I would like to add a video , I'll try it when you can.

What I meant is that the programming on the web is very ill-considered . Even I considered " junk code " . But now I understand that the problem is that HTML offers many possibilities . Possibility to make the code more horrendous the planet and the most beautiful code . That as in other languages ​​, but do the ugly HTML is very easy and it is pretty crazy.


I do not look like a stoned, remember that programming have not spoken with anyone in life and now this. Haha ... within a few weeks I'll upload an app very cool also made ​​AppJS the forum.

Simon Horton

Nov 17, 2013, 9:42:27 AM11/17/13

That looks very nice, I like the app design and graphics. Great to see really large and polished apps being made with appjs.

Thanks for sharing all the details I am sure it contians some good ideas and tips for others building their applications.

Good luck with the application!


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