I am looking for support to run the appium on safari browser on real iPhone. I have followed the appium documentation but getting error after running the below command -
# Option 1: You dont define any parameters and it will set the code signing identity to 'iPhone Developer'
Error Log from Terminal-
Jitendra-Kumars-MacBook-Pro:~ jitendrakumar$ cd /Users/jitendrakumar/Desktop/android
Cloning into 'appium'...
remote: Counting objects: 29622, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (59/59), done.
remote: Total 29622 (delta 27), reused 10 (delta 4)
Receiving objects: 100% (29622/29622), 32.93 MiB | 50.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18299/18299), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Jitendra-Kumars-MacBook-Pro:android jitendrakumar$ cd appium
Jitendra-Kumars-MacBook-Pro:appium jitendrakumar$ ./reset.sh --ios --real-safari
---- Resetting / Initializing Appium ----
* Installing new or updated NPM modules (including devDeps)
* Setting git revision data
* Setting iOS config to Appium's version
* Installing ios-sim-locale
* Cloning/updating udidetect
* Building udidetect
* Moving udidetect into build/udidetect
* Cloning/updating fruitstrap
* Making fruitstrap
* Copying fruitstrap to build
* Cloning/updating SafariLauncher
* Building SafariLauncher for real devices
---- FAILURE: reset.sh exited with status 1 ----
---- Retry with --verbose to see errors ----
Jitendra-Kumars-MacBook-Pro:appium jitendrakumar$