I believe I understand what is happening here.
AppInventor is hosted on Google’s App Engine system. App Engine places
strict limits of how long a single transaction can run (60
seconds). As you build your project you add blocks and upload
assets. Each of these operations runs in a small amount of time.
However when you attempt to upload a .aia file with a lost of assets,
the upload is one transaction. If there are a lot of images, it takes
awhile for these to get uploaded (another Google restriction). If the
sum of the upload times exceeds 60 seconds, the transaction is
terminated and your project upload fails.
We are looking at several alternatives to avoid this problem, but for
now there isn’t much we can do about it.
You are welcome to try uploading your project to
code.appinventor.mit.edu. This is a re-implementation of MIT App
Inventor which is not running in App Engine and doesn’t have the App
Engine related restrictions.
code.appinventor.mit.edu is reasonably stable, but we will be
updating it this week, including moving it to different hardware, so
there may be some (hopefully short) downtime.
Jeffrey I. Schiller
Information Systems and Technology – MIT App Inventor
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue Room 32G-530
Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
617.910.0259 - Voice