how to config build.xml when to add external *.jar files and *.properties files the external Jar will use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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tutu shan

Sep 7, 2019, 7:41:14 AM9/7/19
to App Inventor Open Source Development
Dear all

 who can help me to config  build.xml files  under folders  1,appinventor/   2,appinventor/buildserver /  and 3,appinventor/components/ .

I am creating a extensions use apache mina ftpserver, but the error log is    "failed to load messsages from "org/apache/ftpserver/messages/",file not found in classpath. 

I only have little experience with Ant , and looked the problems came from build.xml configuration .looked the *.Jar files are in right "position", but the FtpStatus.Properties have no right place to config

   who can help me !!!!!!!


Evan Patton

Sep 7, 2019, 8:48:47 AM9/7/19
to App Inventor Open Source Development
I'm not sure that the extensions system is set up to handle migrating Java resources to where they would need to live in the Android package to be properly found by getResource(). One thing to check is to unpack your aix file and see if the properties file is there. If it is, build an app and then unpack the apk to see if the properties file made it that far. This will at least help pinpoint where work needs to be done to make this a possibility.

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tutu shan

Sep 7, 2019, 8:58:23 PM9/7/19
to App Inventor Open Source Development
Hi  Evan 

Thank you first 

I check the Aix file , the *. properties file  in two files , one is  the classes.jar , another in androidruntime.jar  . 
in classes.jar   almost all the files are properties files

in androidruntime.jar , its my extensions class and external Jar's class . 

I have no idea positioning the problem

Best Rgds 


tutu shan

Sep 7, 2019, 10:42:33 PM9/7/19
to App Inventor Open Source Development
Hi  Evan 

I checked and unziped *.apk file ,  and use dex to jar  tools ,  let the dex file in APK  to Jar , and can not find the properties files in the jar ... 

looked the appinventor delete the *.properties in process  package *.aix to *.apk  file

how to do for the next ?

Thank you 


在 2019年9月8日星期日 UTC+8上午8:58:23,tutu shan写道:

Evan Patton

Sep 12, 2019, 10:39:05 AM9/12/19
to App Inventor Open Source Development
My guess is that it's being dropped in the buildserver. I'd have to run some tests to see where the appropriate location for resources in the APK would be. In any case, what you want to do isn't currently in the production system and it will take some effort to make it so. If you can provide the properties file another way (e.g., via a different constructor), then you could put it in an assets package alongside your extension code and use the openAssetForExtension() method to get an InputStream to read the properties file.

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