Scroll text using the WebViewer

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Scott Ferguson

Jul 5, 2013, 12:05:50 PM7/5/13

Thanks to Igal for the suggestion.
You can take an html document and upload it to App Inventor as an asset in the media list of the Designer.
Then, depending on whether you are testing the project attached to the Blocks editor or have packaged it, you could use the blocks below to view it in the WebViewer:

Suppose the document is named moby.html
Connecting to device from Blocks Editor: URL is file:///mnt/sdcard/AppInventor/assets/moby.html
Packaged apk installed to emulator or other device: file:///android_asset/moby.html
See Taifun's explanation of where files are located here: under the heading

How to read a HTML page stored as media file inside of App Inventor

Of particular note with using this method to display scrolling text is:

  • you can zoom in and out to resize the text
  • drag the text to scroll -- so more intuitive
  • standard html text is used -- no special formatting
  • with a little work, you could develop a custom ebook reader app

Shivendra Kr. Sahu

Aug 31, 2017, 5:00:05 AM8/31/17
to App Inventor Developers Library

please guide me where i wrong? 


Sep 1, 2017, 10:49:45 AM9/1/17
to App Inventor Developers Library
How to display some HTML text in a webviewer
PS: Note that we don't provide general App Inventor support here, but general help is available at the MIT App Inventor Forum.
You might want to ask there next time...
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