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AU Stay-awake-athon

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Laiza Casas

Mar 31, 2008, 6:30:12 AM3/31/08
Hello Brothers,

You are invited to our chapter's annual
Stay-awake-athon on April 4th!

Stay-awake-athon is our
annual fund raising event; we stay up all night and have lots of fun! It takes place on the American University campus, just a metro ride and free shuttle ride away. Its from 8:00pm on April 4th (Fri) to 8:00am the following day (Sat). You are welcome to stay for as long or as short as you would like. Upon entry there will be games, activities, music, food, raffles, and more to keep everyone awake for 12 hours. Games include boardgames and video games (Nintendo Wii, X-box). Proceedings will go to A Wider Circle, a local non-profit organization, to fund their Well Mother, Well Baby program. (For more information:

In past years, Brothers from other chapters have come to
Stay-awake-athon and have had a wonderful time. It'll be an awesome time to get to know other chapters, hang out with brothers from your own chapter, and have some fun with Eta Phi! Not to mention this is also for a wonderful cause!

If you are interested in coming, it would be great if you could e-mail me ahead of time, and I can give you detailed directions here. If you have questions about event logistics, transportation, or any concerns, please feel free to contact me (, or cell: 970 581 5480) or one of our Stay-awake-athon chairs, Nick Glass or Kim Kelley (

Hope to see you on the 4th!

Stanley Ho
Inter-Chapter Relations Chair, Alpha Phi Omega,
Eta Phi Chapter, American University

Jen Shuman
President, Alpha Phi Omega
Eta Phi Chapter, American University

Laiza Casas
Section 85 Chair
"Invent YOUR Direction in 85!"
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