Hi Ron,
What sensors/service are you using to track whether your doors are open or not?
The Weather Underground IFTTT applets "Current temperature rises above" and "Current temperature drops below" can be used to set a boolean or numeric variable whenever the temperature crosses the 77°F threshold. You can set up a matching condition that's true if the variable is true (boolean), or greater than 77 (numeric). You can then use that as one condition for turning the A/C on.
The doors can usually set a boolean variable for open/closed, then you should be able to create two matching conditions (one for open, one for closed) for each door with "Unmodified since" values of 20 seconds. I could be wrong, but I believe that will delay the condition change for 20 seconds from the time the door was actually opened or closed.
One logicblock would check to see if any (Complex condition linking with OR) of the open door conditions are true and trigger the Sensibo applet to turn A/C off. This would need to run whenever an associated condition changes.
A second logicblock would check to see if all (Simple condition linking with AND) of the closed door conditions are true and the temperature condition is also true, and trigger the Sensibo applet to turn A/C on. This would also need to run whenever an associated condition changes.
I have not tested this, and I'm typing this off the cuff, but I think those are the pieces you'll need to make this work. Anyone else feel free to correct or expand on this.