Google Api Gateway Authorization Header

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Lance Armah-Abraham (

Mar 10, 2022, 7:28:51 AM3/10/22
to api-gateway-users

My GCP API Gateway connects to a cloud run application that hosts a laravel container.

The application uses laravel sanctum for authentication which basically expects authenticated routes to have an authorization header set.

When sending the requests, I send it through axios and add the authorization header but the request always fails with authentication error. After examining the request headers on the cloud run service logs, I realized by default Api Gateway sends an Authorization header for each request whether I set an authorization header or not, hence my authorization header is forwarded as X-Forwarded-Authorization.

I am not able to modify the header in my api to expect the X-Forwarded-Authorization header instead, it always expects the header with the bearer token to be the Authorization header. This has made it difficult as I can't change the behaviour of the API to expect a different header. Is there a way I can override this default Authorization Bearer header sent by API gateway to rather send the value of the Authorization header added in the request instead of sending it as a forwarded value.


API Gateway Config:


# openapi2-run.yaml swagger: "2.0" 
info: title: my-api 
 description: my custom api 
 version: 1.0.0 
schemes: - https 
produces: - application/json 
consumes: - application/json 
x-google-backend: address: https://some-cloud-run-url 
basePath: /api 
x-google-endpoints: - name: "" allowCors: True 
 summary: Requested user details. 
 operationId: UserDetails 
 responses: "200": 
 description: Return Requested User Details. 
"default": description: Unexpected error


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