CALL DHS Stop Illegals Killing of Young Americans! Enforce the Law: Deport

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Mary Seales

Feb 3, 2015, 1:52:11 PM2/3/15
to Mary Seales

Many are to blame for travesties like this.  Innocent people killed for just
going about their business and working for a living while we spend billions
to support these criminals and blood suckers.  (see below)

DHS, Obama, all of our so-called legislators are responsible for this
and they all need to be called/faxed/emailed.

DHS number is below.   Contact your congressional critters as well

And your local sheriff department.

I was infuriated when I read these stories.  Our government is selling us
out for votes and money and the churches are complicit as well.  Bringing
in so-called "refugees" and burdening the communities with these leeches.
So they can get money.

Maybe if enough of us make a stink something will be done.  The families
of these victims need to sue the feds, the congress and all so-called
immigration law enforcement agencies.

Please get involved and pass on to others; post on your social networks.
This is a time when facebook and twitter come in handy.


Mary Seales
Natural Born Citizen
**Those who don't want to  fight will be eaten by those who do**

Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 14:24:20 +0000
CC: a
Subject: Fw: CALL DHS Stop Illegals Killing of Young Americans! Enforce the Law: Deport

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 10:42 PM
Subject: CALL DHS Stop Illegals Killing of Young Americans! Enforce the Law: Deport

We The People Rising
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Obama has made it abundantly clear that he is going to ignore any and every immigration law that we have on the books, and that is shown in his refusal to deport criminal aliens; even those convicted of felonies. 

CALL THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY COMMENT LINE - TELL DHS SECRETARY JEH JOHNSON THAT BECAUSE OF HIS POLICIES, YOUNG AMERICANS ARE BEING KILLED BY ILLEGAL ALIENS! In Mesa, AZ, Grant Ronnebeck, 21 years old, was killed by an illegal from Mexico, Apolinar Altamirano, 29. Because immigration laws are not enforced, this illegal was allowed back on the streets after committing a felony!  

Demand that DHS enforce the law - deport! 
Comment Line: 202-282-8495

President Barack Obama has given thousands of criminal illegal aliens amnesty by refusing to deport them after they have been convicted of felonies.
One such recipient took advantage of Obama’s unconstitutional generosity and killed a U.S. citizen in cold blood over a pack of cigarettes in Mesa, Arizona.
Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu took to Twitter  to criticize the Obama administration for failing to deport the illegal alien:
“This illegal was let out on probation for burglary. Why was he not deported? A truly terrible, heartless crime.
Grant Ronnebeck, the American killed by the illegal alien Altamirano, was just twenty-one years old.
According to police, Altamirano shot and killed Ronnebeck when he was counting the change Altamirano was using to pay for a pack of cigarettes. Altamirano got upset over the time it was taking for the Ronnebeck to count the change. Ronnebeck handed Altamirano the pack of cigarettes. Altamirano then shot and killed Ronnebeck.

In 2011, another YOUNG AMERICAN ERIC HAYDU ZEPEDA, 22  years old  - killed by an illegal who the Obama administration will neither deport nor incarcerate.
Please keep in mind, that the illegal Pablo Arturo Duarte Rodriguez, who killed Eric Haydu Zepeda in 2011, when he made an unlawful left turn and struck Eric on his motorcycle in Yucaipa, CA, has not spent even one day in jail. He was convicted of vehicular manslaughter without negligence and received a mere 3 years of unsupervised probation. This illegal boldly petition the court last year to terminate his unsupervised probation early! Pablo Arturo Duarte Rodriguez lives openly in Whittier, CA. His unsupervised probation ends in July 2015. 
 ERIC IS MEMORIALIZED by THE REMEMBRANCE PROJECT STOLEN LIVES QUILT  Other young Californians killed by illegals honored by The Stolen Lives Quilt Project include: Jamiel Shaw, 17, Dominic Durden,30,  Drew Rosenberg, 25, Buddy Rowe, 4, Ruben Morfin, 13, Border Patrol Agent Robert Rosas, 30, Coastguardsman Terrell Horne, 32. 

Below, photos of Grant Ronnebeck:

At his funeral, Grant Ronnebeck's fellow workers at the QT, in formation, wore the red shirts store employees wear to honor him.

Above recent photo of Grant Ronnebeck when he visited California.



 Demand that DHS enforce the law - deport! 
Comment Line: 202-282-8495


OBAMA SANCTIONED PRISON RELEASE: 36,000 deportable criminals released back onto U.S. soil in 2013, which included murderers, rapists, and child molesters.

“…Catholic Charities gets billions of taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement and general immigration services, which puts it into the category of a smallish government agency. For example, in 2010, 62 percent of Catholic Charities’ budget was funded by the unwilling taxpayer. The feds and the Catholic bishops are partners.”


Every congress member is given an annual budget to cover staff salaries, travel to and from the home district, official mail to constituents and other office necessities. The budgets vary. The average budget for 2011 was $1.45 million.
USA Today 4/6/2012 8:36


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