Grab Close Encounters of the Urban Kind for free

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Jason Sizemore

May 14, 2010, 3:29:58 PM5/14/10

Cover art by Alina Pete
by Jason Sizemore

Right now you can grab the eBook of Close Encounters of the Urban Kind and pay what you want over at Smashwords. That means you can grab it for free, toss a coin in the hat, or pay list price. It doesn’t matter. We only want you to get a copy of the book and read.

This link takes you straight to the book page:

Smashwords provides the book in a number of formats including mobi (Kindle), PDB (Palm), LRF (Sony), ePub,and PDF.

After you’ve seen for yourself how great a job Jennifer has done putting together the anthology, go to THIRD PLACE BOOKS on June 12th, 6:30 p.m. and have her sign your newly purchased print copy of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE URBAN KIND.

Again, the signing information:
Third Place Books. June 12th. 6:30pm

Grab a copy of the book from Third Place Books, Apex, or one of those evil conglomerates (Amazon | B&N).

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