Being an Apex Magazine subscriber has its...benefits

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Jason Sizemore

Feb 24, 2010, 4:18:49 PM2/24/10

Being an Apex Magazine Subscriber has certain…benefits

We have just given away an ARC of the to-be-released horror anthology Dark Faith. Congratulations to Laura Petersen! Only forty of these ARCs were produced. So not only will Laura own a particularly rare version of a particularly awesome anthology, she’ll be able to read the book several months in advance of its May 1st release. (Laura, let us know what you think of Jennifer Pelland’s “Ghosts of New York,” okay?)

How did Laura get so lucky?

Let’s call it a bit of…serendipity…

Laura is a member of The Apex Army, meaning that she donated at least $10 to the continued operation of Apex Magazine. As a member of the Apex Army, you’re granted certain…perks…one of which will be that you’re entered into drawings to win Apex swag.

Future perks will include a ’subscriber’ only area of the Apex website. This area will include such things as additional fiction, non-fiction, interviews, closer access to Apex authors and editors, and whatever else we think a subscriber might enjoy.

Have we whetted your appetite? Do you want a chance to win stuff AND show your support for a professional-level paying magazine?

If you do, then click here. This will take you to our store where you can order a subscription.

If you don’t, then click here. But remember…what is seen cannot be unseen.

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