Enter the Apex banner contest and win cool things

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Jason Sizemore

Apr 28, 2010, 9:46:33 AM4/28/10
to apex-publicatio...@googlegroups.com

One of our objectives in our push to promote DARK FAITH was to get our readers more involved. Apex has some of the best fans in the business and I’d like to give you, our fans, another chance to win free stuff just by being involved.

Our graphic designer (Justin Stewart) has created this rather nifty 468×60 animated banner.

To enter the banner contest you only need to do a couple of things:

  1. Fly the banner on your blog or website
  2. Make sure the banner links to www.apexbookstore.com/products/dark-faith
  3. Leave a comment below telling me where you’re flying the banner

Easy peasy.

I’ll randomly choose five winners. Four will win Gary A. Braunbeck signed bookplates. One lucky winner will received a signed copy of DARK FAITH (including the accompanying chapbook, LAST RITES).

I’m attending Mo*Con this coming weekend and a large number of DARK FAITH contributors will be present, including: Editors Maurice Broaddus and Jerry Gordon, Gary A. Braunbeck, Brian Keene, Lucy A. Snyder, Chesya Burke, Alethea Kontis, Wrath James White, Kelli Dunlap, Alex McVey (frontispiece art for LAST RITES), Steven C. Gilberts (LAST RITES cover art, DARK FAITH frontispiece), J.C. Hay, Douglas Warrick, Kyle S. Johnson, Robert Ford, and Lon Prater. Assuming their attendance, they will all sign the winner’s copy of DARK FAITH (and LAST RITES).

Any questions? Shoot me an email.
Jason S.

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