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REMINDER: CFP for The World in 24 Hours closes 31 December 2021

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Dec 20, 2021, 8:58:40 PM12/20/21

University of Melbourne & online, 16 Feb 2022

Deadline: 3 Jan 2022



Conference: The World in 24 Hours

PhD/ECR conference hosted by The University of Melbourne’s School of Culture & Communication



APARN will be participating in The World in 24 Hours, happening on Zoom and in-person at University of Melbourne (if restrictions permit) on 16 February 2022, 5-7am AEDT. We are currently calling for 15-minute presentations on ideas around the art historical and curatorial in contemporary practice to join the panel. Presentations could take the form of a traditional textual presentation or other forms.



Panel Title: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific (Chaired by Dr. Danny Butt)


Time: 5-7am AEDT/11.30pm-1.30am New Delhi/7-9am NZDT


Abstract: The Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network (APARN) was established in 2019 by the Centre of Visual Art, University of Melbourne and the Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta. Beginning from but quickly extending beyond these two institutions, APARN platforms and supports graduate researchers engaged in research connected to creative practice from the Asia Pacific region. Through collective discovery and recognition of each other’s practices, APARN attempts to animate artistic research in the region, and to stimulate new connections and future collaborations and meetings.


Following on the 3rd annual meetup in November 2021, the following session brings together practice-based researchers interested in notions of art history and curatorship in and about the region. It seeks to challenge classical, text-based, art historical practices and methodologies through proposals of art history and the curatorial in practice.



Apply: Send your presentation title and 200-word (max) abstract to Your abstract should clearly state what form your presentation will take.




Conference site:



Keynote: Professor Amelia Jones

The convenors of The World in 24 Hours (February 16, 2022) are delighted to announce Professor Amelia Jones as international keynote. Jones is currently the Robert A. Day Professor and Vice Dean at Roski School of Art & Design, USC. For decades, Jones has produced ground-breaking research in the field of queer theory, feminism, and performance studies. In her keynote lecture, “Creepy Feminism, Ethnic Envy, and Other Aggressions in the Contemporary “Global” Art Complex”, Jones confronts the lingering forces of colonialism and structural racism and sexism that continue to underpin the purportedly “global” art complex.


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