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Details on Friday's meeting - #APARN 2023 - The Matter of Art

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Danny Butt

Jul 5, 2023, 10:50:38 AM7/5/23
to Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Selamat malam and greetings all,

We look forward to seeing you in person and online on Friday 7th July for our meeting at ISI Yogyakarta. Kurniawan, Gunalan and I were finally able to meet in person this evening to finalise our preparations.

A few notes for the day: 

Everyone with an interest in artistic research in the region is welcome to attend, whether in person or online, so please do feel free to share the program with others.

We will be meeting in person at Pascasarjana ISI Yogyakarta from 0930 for a 0945 start:
Security staff at the gate will be able to direct you to the venue.

For those of you on Zoom, the meeting link is:
Password: 252679

The schedule is in the programme attached as previously circulated by Kurniawan. 

For the network meeting at 1600 WIB after the presentations, we will update the group on developments with the Society for Artistic Research since our April meeting, and the development of the new channel for APARN in the Journal for Artistic Research, where we will be inviting editorial participation from the community. We also have questions to ask of the group to guide future developments - hope you can attend.

Looking forward to seeing you then!

Programme APARN 2023.pdf
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