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#APARN 2022 - Artistic Research for the Planet - 22 November 2022 - Call for Participants

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Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

Sep 24, 2022, 2:01:11 AM9/24/22
to Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
#APARN 2022 - Artistic Research for the Planet
Friday November 22, 2022
1000-1500 (Yogyakarta WIB GMT +0700)
1400-1900 (Melbourne AEDT +1100)
Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network -

“Globalization is achieved by the imposition of the same system of exchange everywhere. It is not too fanciful to say that, in the gridwork of electronic capital, we achieve something that resembles that abstract ball covered in latitudes and longitudes, cut by virtual lines, once the equator and the tropics, now drawn increasingly by other requirements—imperatives?—of Geographical Information Systems. The globe is on our computers. It is the logo of the World Bank. No one lives there; and we think that we can aim to control globality. The planet is in the species of alterity, belonging to another system; and yet we inhabit it, indeed are it.”
—Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “Imperative to Reimagine the Planet”

Our maps of the world are always being redrawn – most recently by the epidemiological demands of the global pandemic. As national and international travel resumes among a decaying capacity and will to eliminate COVID-19; including a movement of wealthy digital nomads out of cities and into regions across the world; the sense of what it is to live on and in the planet and how we enact our responsibilities to the physical world and our specific parts in it are in renewed question.

How do geographic regions still matter when the entire world is heating in a climate emergency? How do we locate ourselves while we experience highly synchronised electronic markets and media that pretend to equalize our differences and separations?  How are the dynamics of extraction and neocolonialism negotiated by different communities across the Asia Pacific? How does artist-led inquiry and research allow us to reimagine our planetary accountabilities and affordances?

For our 2022 online gathering, the Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network meeting is looking to hear from artistic researchers across the region whose inquiry focuses on aspects of the physical environment, local ecologies, and the planet. Reports on work in progress and recently completed projects are welcome. Presentations will be of 15 minutes length and take place on the Zoom platform. Time will be made available for more collaborative discussion amongst participants, and selected presentations will be published.

To contribute, please send a 250 word summary of your proposed presentation, and a brief biographical statement to by October 17 2022. Proposals will be reviewed by the convenors and participants will be confirmed by October 29 2022.

To stay in touch with news on the meeting and the Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network, please join the group at

We look forward to seeing you at #APARN2022.

Kurniawan Adi Saputro, Gunalan Nadarajan, Danny Butt

Convenors, #APARN2022

Oct 5, 2022, 6:00:03 AM10/5/22
to Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Love this prompt, thinking of ideas....
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