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Reminder! CFP for 2022 Asian Art Research Now

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Sep 12, 2022, 8:56:00 PM9/12/22
to Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

Hi all,

Just another reminder that the deadline for abstracts for the 2022 Asian Art Research Now workshop is this Friday 16 September. 

Kind Regards,

Soo-Min and Caitlin

Asian Art Research Now 2022 

Higher Degree and Early Career Researchers working in the field of Asian Art are invited to participate in an informal workshop with colleagues from around Australia on issues in Asian art research. Participants will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from supervisors, local and international academics as well as professional colleagues from the academic and museum sectors. We welcome researchers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, including Art History, Curatorship, Visual Arts and Art Conservation. Presentations should be 15 minutes, and focus on a key idea, issue, or challenge in your research, followed by 10 minutes of discussion and feedback. The workshop will take place online and aims to build the skills of postgraduate students and ECRs. It offers an informal space to receive immediate responses to their research in a supportive environment as well as networking opportunities with industry professionals and alumni.

The workshop will be taking place on the morning of Friday the 18th of November online on Zoom. 

To participate in the workshop, please submit the following to by 5pm AEST Friday 16 September 2022:

1. Your name and institutional affiliation
2.  A short abstract of your presentation topic (max. 200 words)
3. A short biography (max. 100 words)
4. One image that is salient to your presentation topic, or to your higher degree research more broadly, along with a detailed caption and image credit. We will select an image for the event program from those submitted. 

Kind Regards,

The Australasian Network for Asian Art 

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