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collaboration in an artistic research program ( especially as a Ph.D. program)

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Majid Sarnayzadeh

Jul 31, 2023, 11:46:35 PM7/31/23
to Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

I am pleased to be a member of the network and have a learning opportunity from your great work. I am looking for collaboration in a fully funded research program related to epistemology of folklore performing arts that is studied on the knowledge transfer between performers and participants through cultural aspects of the sensory perception process ( especially as a Ph.D. program). My Bachelor's is in mathematics, and I have a MA in philosophy of science. I have been working as a theater director and performer in my city for about 20 years and have about 10 years' experience in artistic research projects( not in an academic atmosphere, but in my local group). According to my academic background, I worked with quantitative and qualitative research methods. Please guide me about the possibility of finding an artistic-research Ph.D. program that accepts my academic background. Don’t hesitate to ask me any questions.
Best regards,
Majid Sarnayzadeh

Erika Matsunami

Aug 1, 2023, 9:38:55 AM8/1/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Dear Everyone,

I would love to collaborate with you in the future if it is possible and we have the opportunity to collaborate.

My artistic research

Very best wishes,


Erika Matsunami

Pronomen / pronoun: sie / she (es)

Skalitzer Str. 74a

10997 Berlin


Mobile: +49 160 / 99 13 19 35

On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 08:30, Erika Matsunami <> wrote:
Hi everyone and Majid,

Nice to meet you via Email!

Yes, I know that is not easy to find in the art academic field. 
In the context of Ph.D prgramme in the art/fine arts, it would be in the university of applied sciences and arts. As an art category, e.g. gaming such as an interactive installation in the new media...

...What I know the programme in Europe, that is artist in residence for the collaboration  at the media art centre in this context of the art field.
There is an advanced study programme without the degree at UdK Berlin which is full-funded.

All the best,


Erika Matsunami

Pronomen / pronoun: sie / she (es)

Skalitzer Str. 74a

10997 Berlin


Mobile: +49 160 / 99 13 19 35

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Erika Matsunami

Aug 1, 2023, 6:18:17 PM8/1/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
The traditional Japanese dance is "dance-theater". Pina Baush had studied this type of traditional Japanese dance "dance theater" and founded her dance school. Her work was psychology in the sense of "Surrealism" but also of Western Surrealism. We can see it in her choreography and drama as well as in the stage design. My work in performance is epistemological as it is in the context of traditional Japanese dance-theatre (surrealism), however, I do not use the traditional choreographic element in the choreographic semantics. 


On Tue, 1 Aug 2023 at 22:12, Erika Matsunami <> wrote:
Hi Majid,

Thank you, Majid! 
Yes, I remeber your presentation. 
"(...) Dance as an old and systematic art, is a good example of the mechanism. By moving our body to apply the force on the earth, partner’s body or our body, we transfer the energy and create a movement; therefore, we change the environment and produce aesthetic things as a movement and form.The idea is about the mechanism and I want to consider the kind of movements as a raw material for dance and choreography of things; however, we lose and forget the kind of dance and movement today, and our movement is limited to pressing buttons and switches, or giving digital commands to the machines."

A very interesting research question.
I have read all abstructs in the conference again for searching a new subjectivity.

Thank you very much for everyone indeed!
It was a very interesting conference. There were socio-political and economical questions from everyday life also.
Maybe yours also, such as from the aspect of movement, choreography to give the question for human-life in every day.
(In modern European dance choreography, apart from ballet, acrobatics are the mainstream.)

Erika Matsunami

Aug 1, 2023, 6:18:22 PM8/1/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

Erika Matsunami

Aug 2, 2023, 6:57:48 AM8/2/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Dear Majid and everyone,

I introduce my artistic research in choreography/performance.
I was a member o f the CID/UNESCO, my artistic name is Hosenyu, Hanayagi. I could create the certificate and apply it for CID/UNESCO, and when they exame it, they isse the international acknowledged certificate for my students. For that the students must take my coure regularly for 3-4 years long. I taught the metapher and choreographic semantics in terms of Zeami and many others of the Traditonal Japanese Dance-Theater. 

On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 08:34, Majid Sarnayzadeh <> wrote:
Hi Erika
It is an interesting subject. I studied about Kabuki and Butoh a little and I think they are full of mysteries and any study on their epistemological aspects can help us to produce new performances with new elements that can create a deep connection with the audience. I worked on a concept “collective gesture memory” as a source of visual concepts and forms related to the cultural context that can be used for producing new performances aimed for a deeper connection between performers and audiences. I hope to see your performances based on your research practice. 
Majid Sarnayzadeh

On Aug 2, 2023, at 12:29 AM, Erika Matsunami <> wrote:

Erika Matsunami

Aug 2, 2023, 6:58:01 AM8/2/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network

I could not perform on the stage, but I explored my artistic project in the studio and outside. (Because I thought that I can never know how long I can live. How I can know, tomorrow I live or not.)
The doctor in Japan told me that I couldn't dance again. But the doctor in Germany told me that it would be cured in two years.

This project is one of.

Very best wishes,


On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 09:47, Erika Matsunami <> wrote:
I had an operation accident by the dentist in Berlin in 2014. From 2016 and 2019 till re-operation and medical treatment between the unidersity clinic in Germany and Japan, I could not perform on the stage, but I taught the choreography in private.

Erika Matsunami

Aug 2, 2023, 8:35:22 PM8/2/23
to Freyja Van Den Boom (s5076626), Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Dear Freyja,

Thank you for your email.

My research focusing in the performance is 'metapher and choreographic semantics', not about dance style.

I have not much idea for Butoh, Kabuki, and Noh-Dance.
Yes, I can dance the classical choreographic dance pieces (Kabuki and Noh-Dance), as well as I know about the Butoh, have the experience.
Butoh, you can develope your own account, they have the bodily method, not as a dance (from the sport aspect)-method. 

Do you think 'arts-based research for AI governance and regulation' about an interactive?
There are many productions.

In terms of dance choreography, I'm interested in an Israeli dance company. The choreographer of this company is funny from a human point of view :). Their dance method is in a western context (developed in the USA). (I would like to work/collaborate with them as a visual artist and artistic researcher very much, if it is possible.)

Very best,


Erika Matsunami

Pronomen / pronoun: sie / she (es)

Skalitzer Str. 74a

10997 Berlin


Mobile: +49 160 / 99 13 19 35

On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 17:38, Freyja Van Den Boom (s5076626) <> wrote:
Dear Erika,

This is very interesting if you maybe have some links you could share ? I have been studying Butoh in relation to my arts-based research on algorithms, robotics and AI. I joined a workshop in Kyoto with a famous Butoh dancer trying to understand the 'rules' only to be told there are no rules 🙂
I would love to connect with you and others as I am further developing this cross-disciplinary research and workshops exploring how different forms of knowledge can help us gain a better understanding of what it means to live with AI in present and future societies. If people are interested to join my network I am always interested to hear about different approaches and to share opportunities whenever I see them that will improve the lack of alternative futures and perspectives being presented by the media and policy.

Looking forward to more discussions about this topic and although I have a PhD in law I am also interested in any opportunity including a second Phd to further look at the role of arts-based research for AI governance and regulation.


Van: <> namens Erika Matsunami <>
Verzonden: woensdag 2 augustus 2023 09:45
Aan: Majid Sarnayzadeh <>; Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network <>
Onderwerp: Re: collaboration in an artistic research program ( especially as a Ph.D. program)
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Erika Matsunami

Aug 2, 2023, 8:35:27 PM8/2/23
to Majid Sarnayzadeh, Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
I had an operation accident by the dentist in Berlin in 2014. From 2016 and 2019 till re-operation and medical treatment between the unidersity clinic in Germany and Japan, I could not perform on the stage, but I taught the choreography in private.

On Wed, 2 Aug 2023 at 09:45, Erika Matsunami <> wrote:

Erika Matsunami

Aug 2, 2023, 8:35:44 PM8/2/23
to Freyja Van Den Boom (s5076626), Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network
Could you please explain me about your PhD in Law briefly? (Duchamp*'s conceptual art terms in Law)
Do you think 'arts-based research for AI governance and regulation' about an interactive?
There are many productions. But in this context I find it interesting.

The link to my artistic research:

If you can give me the feedback (comment or suggestion), I am very happy to read it.

*In Duchamp's polemic text “The Creative Act,” Marcel Duchamp describes the act of creating art as consisting of a dialogue between the two poles (as he terms them) of the artist – the creator of the work – and the spectator, or more generally the posterity – the person or people who experience the work.

Thank you!

All the best,


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