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Welcome and upcoming meetings

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Danny Butt

Apr 13, 2023, 5:20:24 AM4/13/23

Dear all,

Firstly, a warm welcome to the many new members who have joined the Asia Pacific Artistic Research Network Special Interest Group since the recent call in SAR Announcements - our membership is now up to 130 or so. 

As noted in that announcement, we will be gathering in person and online at the SAR conference next week, with a meeting from 1000-1200 CET Trondheim (1300-1500 WIB Jakarta and 1600-1800 AEST Melbourne) on Wednesday 19th April. I will share a Zoom link here a few hours before the meeting.

This gathering will primarily be an informal opportunity to connect in person, and it would be great if those of you attending could prepare a very short (60 seconds or less) introduction to yourself and your research interests to share with the group, and also consider sharing how you feel the network could be useful to you. We will plan to record the meeting for sharing with members of this group only, for those who can’t attend at that time.

APARN’s regional meeting for 2023 will take place in Yogyakarta at Indonesian Institute of the Arts on Friday 7th July. A call and poster from Kurniawan will follow soon. At that meeting, along with the presentations, we will discuss future plans for the network more formally, including governance and how members can take a more active role in developing the network’s activities.

In the meantime, we look forward to meeting on Wednesday! You should also feel free to use this group to share relevant projects, events and announcements with the network.

Warm regards from a cold Norwegian spring!


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