Sudarshan Kriya and the shloka after

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Vinod Allgoo

Dec 21, 2017, 9:04:35 AM12/21/17
to drallgooGMAIL, Sita Allgoo, Sri Sri Knowledge
The Meaning of Shloka chanted after Long Sudarshan Kriya by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji:
BANDAU GURU PAD PADAM PARAAGAA :- I bow down to the dust/pollen of guru's lotus feet
SURUCHI SUBAAS SARAS ANURAAGA :-It has the juice of fragrance attraction and charm.
AMIYA MURI MAYA CHOORAN CHAARU :-It is like the benign power of the root of healing herb (nectar herb).
SAKAL SUMAN BHAVA RUJA PARIVAARA :-It cures the diseases of the cycle of birth and death.
SUKRUTI SAMBHU TANU VIMAL VIBHOOTI :-It is like the pure ash rubbed on the body of benevolent shiva.
MANJUL MANGALA MOD PRASUTI :-It is delightful, benevolent and it gives birth to bliss.
JANA-MAN MANJU MAUKUR MAL HARNI :-It steals/removes/cleanses the dirty dust from the mirror of mind.
KIYE TILAK GUN GAN BAS KARANI :-Applying that dust (of gurus feet) on the center of our forehead brings all good qualities in our control i.e increases all good qualities in our consciousness.
Jai gurudev


*लम्बी सुदर्शन क्रिया के बाद जिस श्लोक का मंत्रोच्चारण होता है ; उसका अर्थ :-*

*वंदे गुरु पद पदम परागा*
मैं गुरु के पद कमलों के पराग कणों ( धूल के कणों ) को नमन करता हूँ । ( नतमस्तक होता हूँ।) 

*सुरुचि सुवास सरस अनुरागी*
उनमें सुंगध, अनुराग का आकर्षण; रस का अनुभव हैं ।

*अमिय मुरी मय चूरन चारु*
वह संजीवनी बूटी की तरह जीवनदायी शक्ति के समान है ।

*सकल सुमन भव रुज़ परिवारा*
वह जन्म- मरण चक्र नामक रोग का नाश करती है ।

*सुकृति शंभु तनु विमल विभूति*
वह कल्याणकारी शिवजी के शरीर पर घिसी गई शुद्ध भस्म के समान है ।

*मंजुल मंगल मोद प्रसुति*
वह मधुर, कल्याणकारी तथा आनंद को जन्म देने वाली है ।

*जन-मन मंजु मुकुर मल हरिणी*
वह मन रूपी आईने को स्वच्छ करने वाली है ।

*की तिलक गुन गन बस करनी*
इन धूल-रूपी पराग कणों का मस्तक के मध्य पर तिलक लगाने से सभी सद् गुणों की वृद्धि होती है ।

जय गुरु देव ।

Question : Can you tell us something about the Sudarshan Kriya ?

Sri Sri : See there is a rhythm in creation and there is a rhythm in the body. 

You feel hungry at certain time, you feel sleepy, you go for nature calls..... 

There is a rhythm in the body; there is a rhythm in the breath too; there is a rhythm in your thought patterns.

 If you observe your thoughts, some time you feel frustrated or you get angry or you are happy or you are unhappy, and same with your emotions. There is a set rhythm.

There is a innermost rhythm of the being - silence in you. In *Kriya*, a harmony is brought between all these rhythm, from the outermost to the innermost.

 So, when all these rhythms are not in harmony, you are disturbed. You feel miserable. 

When the harmony is brought between all these rhythms by various techniques - going deep into the breath, meditation - there is bliss, there is joy and you feel more alive from every cell of your body. 

Anytime you feel upset or when you don't feel very good, you do Kriya and immediately you come to the present moment, become very alive. It has helped so many people.

veeranah vinesh

May 21, 2018, 11:43:18 AM5/21/18
no mail from art of living
can i know a site for shri ravi shankar lecture and msg pls

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May 21, 2018, 11:53:23 AM5/21/18
to Sri Sri Knowledge
Dear Sir.

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