men and therapy

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M & A Madden

Apr 8, 2007, 7:59:16 PM4/8/07
About half of my clients are men.I see them alone or often with their partner and sometimes with their children.
The stories they tell me about their life concerns are not so far removed from issues I have had to confront in my own to balance stressful work life with family to maintaim respectful and loving relationships with partners and how to make a meaningful contribution to our children's lives.
This degree of empathy does not preclude naming and confronting behaviour which is damaging to the client or those around him.But it's not a war!The core conditions for helpful therapy with men and women continue to require acceptance and a genuine spirit of inquiry about the other's life.A therapy which encourages men to become curious about the ideas and emotions which underly their  behaviour offers the best chance of meaningful change.(See my "Five useful questions in Couples Therapy"..ANZJFT  June 2005.)
Michael Madden.
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