6th Annual IPSA-NUS Summer School for Social Science Research Methods at the National University of Singapore, June 19-30, 2017
This year's Methods School offers a wide variety of quantitative, qualitative, and formal methods courses (
http://methods-school.nus.edu.sg/courses.html) taught by highly experienced faculty, incl.:
Data Visualization (Bear Braumoeller, Ohio State)
Experimental Methods (Jennifer Jerit, Stony Brook)
Game Theory (Justin Fox, WUSTL)
Network Analysis (Adam Henry, Arizona)
Quantitative Text Analysis (Inaki Sargazazu, Texas Tech)
Regression Analysis (Brian Pollins, Ohio State)
Time Series and Spatial Analysis (Jude Hays, Pitt)
All courses provide participants with rigorous, hands-on training in state-of-the-art research methods at a fraction of the price of similar methods training programs.
For more information on the various Methods School courses and instructors, registration fees, and more, visit our website (
http://methods-school.nus.edu.sg) or contact us at
Please share this announcement with any colleagues, students, and friends that might be interested in the Methods School.
Best regards,
Your IPSA-NUS Methods School team
IPSA-NUS Methods School
National University of Singapore
AS1, #04-10, 11 Arts Link
Singapore 117573
methods...@nus.edu.sg http://methods-school.nus.edu.sg Like us on Facebook:
http://facebook.com/MethodsSchool Follow us on Twitter: