Importing multiple samples into Anvio

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michael nakai

Aug 20, 2021, 11:30:21 PM8/20/21
to Anvi'o

I'm extremely new to metagenomics in general, so apologies in advance if I'm asking a very simple/stupid question.

Before learning about Anvio, I had (individually) assembled metagenomes from 6 samples using metaSPAdes, resulting in 6 different scaffolds.fasta files. I then binned each sample using MetaBAT2, resulting in the files bin.1.fa through bin.22.fa being produced for each sample. I've also aligned the scaffolds using bowtie2, resulting in 6 different samplename.sorted.bam files being produced.

If possible, I'd like to import the scaffolds generated by metaSPAdes and the associated bam files into an Anvio merged profile, but am not sure how to get around the fact that I'll have 6 different contig-db files. From what I understand after looking at the help pages for the commands as well as the tutorial, I need a single contig-db file to associate with multiple bam files. What exactly should I be doing here?

Kind regards,
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