How can to walk the Ast tree to get every parameter and its type

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Feb 10, 2019, 2:43:25 PM2/10/19

If I have  a function like this 

int addition (int a, int b)
  int r;
  return r;

written in c++

I need to get the following information
return type  int ;   function name  addition ; parameters a, b ; parameters type: int, int

after generating the lexer listener and visitor  classes from the CPP14.g4 grammar file using antlr4 and IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2018.3.4 x64 (programming language java)
I was able to get return type and the name of the function like this

public class MethodCallListener extends CPP14BaseListener {
CPP14Parser parser;

public MethodCallListener (CPP14Parser parser) {
this.parser = parser;
public void enterFunctiondefinition(CPP14Parser.FunctiondefinitionContext ctx)

String name = ctx.declarator().start.getText();
String returntype = ctx.declspecifierseq().getText();
System.out.println("Return type: "+  returntype + "  ,Function name: " + name(;

Is there any way to get parameters and their  types ?
or here I have to use visitor and how can I do that ?
Any help will be appreciated!

Is their any idea how to get function calls using  CPP14.g4 in the same way above?
there were for fuction declaraton but I could not catch the function calls any idea?

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