Possible ANTLRv4 labeling issue with "+="

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Sebastian YEPES

Nov 27, 2012, 5:07:29 PM11/27/12
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com

Currently trying to migrate some ANTLR grammar with embedded actions to the new visitor/listener model. Basically I generate a data structure from the input file for a post treatment.
I have made a very simplified example to illustrate the problem:
Example input file:
LOGNAME "Error_logfile" DESC "Description blabla"
  LOGPATH "/var/log/dummy.log"
  TYPE "file"

ds = {"LOGNAME" : "Error_logfile",
      "DESC" : "Description blabla",
      "LOGPATH" : "/var/log/dummy.log",
      "TYPE" : "file",
      "FAST_READ" : true,
      "ONLY_ONCE" : true };
The issue I am facing is that I am using the labeling operator "+=" and it seems to have a bug or at least, I think so.
If we check the generated parser code from the following grammar and have a closure look at the class "LogoptContext", why is it defining the tokens with there id's and not there names?

The issue I am facing is that I am using the labeling operator "+=" and it seems to have a bug or at least, I think so.
If we check the generated parser code from the following grammar and have a closure look at the class "LogoptContext", why is it defining the tokens with there id's and not there names?FileReadIssue.g -------------- grammar FileReadIssue; file: logfile; // Header info logfile: 'LOGNAME' lname=string 'DESC' ldesc=string logopt; // Specific settings can be either strings, numbers or booleans logopt: ('LOGPATH' lpath=string |'TYPE' ltype=string |'DELAY' ldelay=number |lopts+='FAST_READ' |lopts+='ONLY_ONCE' |lopts+='READ_ONLY' )+ ; // Standard ANTLR lexer rules number: INT | FLOAT; string: ID | STRING;
    public static class LogoptContext extends ParserRuleContext {
        public StringContext lpath;
        public StringContext ltype;
        public NumberContext ldelay;
        public Token 6;  // <-- Why is it not using the TokenName: FAST_READ?
        public List<Token> lopts = new ArrayList<Token>();
        public Token 3; // <-- Why is it not using the TokenName: ONLY_ONCE?
        public Token 1; // <-- Why is it not using the TokenName: READ_ONLY? 
Compilation error:
antlr -no-listener -visitor FileReadIssue.g
javac -cp ./antlr-4.0b4-complete.jar *.java
FileReadIssueParser.java:132: error: <identifier> expected
                public Token 6;
FileReadIssueParser.java:134: error: <identifier> expected
                public Token 3;
FileReadIssueParser.java:135: error: <identifier> expected
                public Token 1;
FileReadIssueParser.java:193: error: not a statement
                                        setState(24); ((LogoptContext)_localctx).6 = match(6);
..                                        ((LogoptContext)_localctx).lopts.add(((LogoptContext)_localctx).1);
FileReadIssueParser.java:206: error: illegal start of expression
15 errors

  • Am I correctly using the lable "+=" operator correctly?
  • Is there a better solution resolve this kind grammar problematic?

Best regards and thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Jim Idle

Nov 27, 2012, 9:27:49 PM11/27/12
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com
In general, I recommend that you don't use 'literals' in your grammar for other reasons (see antlr.markmail.org) so changing to:

xxx: CCC;


Will get you around that I suspect. 

However, this does look like a bug. In v3 you could not use the same label for += on different token types - not sure if this is still the case for v4.



Sam Harwell

Dec 7, 2012, 11:54:34 AM12/7/12
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com
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