Unable to install antlrworks2

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Feb 13, 2013, 7:30:00 AM2/13/13
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com
I downloaded antlrworks2 from the tunnel vision labs website and tried to install it by running the antlrworks2.exe but getting the error "antlrworks2.exe is not a valid win32 application". I tried it on Win server 2003 as well as Win 7 32 bit but I got the same error.

I am using VS 2008 for development as the target language would be C#.

Is that the right way to install antlrworks? I believe antlrworks is a stand alone application or do I also need to install antlr? Has it got any dependency?

Sam Harwell

Feb 13, 2013, 10:44:23 AM2/13/13
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com

Hi Mandar,


I know of an issue where the problem you describe appears on Windows XP, but haven’t heard of this on Windows Vista or later.

#7 Support running ANTLRWorks 2 on Windows XP


ANTLRWorks 2 requires you to install Java before running it. I am not sure whether or not it will work with just the JRE (runtime only) installed, so to be on the safe side I recommend installing the JDK (development kit). I recommend Java 7 for its performance advantages; the current release is 7u13.

Java SE Development Kit 7 Downloads


Thank you,


Sam Harwell

Owner, Lead Developer



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Roberto Mencia Franco

Feb 13, 2013, 9:56:45 PM2/13/13
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sam,

I have done that and it doesn't run. It loads the Splash screen and finishes. The program doesn't open. It's like if it had issues loading some of the components or plug-ins.

As a NetBeans plug-in, it has some dependencies that can't be resolved and it doesn't install either.
The only good method that works well for editing the grammars for me is notepad :)


Mandar Kulkarni

Feb 14, 2013, 5:04:03 AM2/14/13
to antlr-di...@googlegroups.com
Hi Sam,

Thanks for your prompt response!

I did have JDK installed on both my machines - Win 7 32 bit and Win Server 2003. But the version was 6.x. So I updated both to be on latest version you mentioned. With that, the machine running Win 7 can now launch antlrworks fine. But the one with Win server 2003, which also happens to be my dev machine, is still giving the same error.

Now, I am working with antlr and antlrworks for the first time and it's been only a few days since I started studying it. As I understand, one needs to input grammar into antlrworks and generate parser and lexer classes from it. Those classes then can be included in my C# project along with antlr dlls and linked to my internal code.

I am trying to build a parser for CMISql queries using antlr and development happens on the Win server 2003 machine. Let me know if there is anything else that I can try to make it work on that machine. If not, is it possible that I use antlrworks on Win 7, generate classes and then use those in my C# project on Win server machine?

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