VRML 1.0 to VRML 2.0 updated

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Roger Kaufman

Aug 18, 2023, 10:16:15 PM8/18/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

Back in 2007, I had released a utility to convert from VRML 1.0 to VRML
2.0. I had only been asked about the utility once recently.

Last May I had taken the page down since most of the links were broken
and modern browsers don't allow downloads of executable's from web pages.

I did some research to see if there are other methods of command line
convertors (I'm looking for an analog of it for Linux),  and I then I
found out that there are a few web references to my page.

So I decided to put it back up with an update to vr1tovr2.exe to pass
non-VRML 1.0 files through by adding a -p parameter. This helped me with
an upcoming script for the next release of the Webview System.

view3dscene has a command line method of converting from VRML 2.0 to
X3D, but the documentation says: (not for older Inventor/VRML 1.0, we
cannot convert them to valid X3D for now).
This would be a sort of solution... the output with X3D but classic
looks very much like VRML 2.0. But I've documented that the converted
VRML 1.0 programs do not work in most applications.

 'view3dscene --write --write-force-x3d --write-encoding classic/xml'
 'tovrmlx3d --force-x3d --encoding classic/xml'

Anyway, here is the updated web page.


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