Overlay Mystery

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Roger Kaufman

Oct 3, 2023, 1:06:20 PM10/3/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi Adrian,

Of the Windows cross complication I am using, the Y keypress does not
always start the cycle the symmetry elements. If not, using the Y menu
entry and they will appear.

Sometimes an FPS Overlay will come on. The exact keypress isn't clear
and its hard to repeat, sometimes its just Y, or Shift + Y, or sometimes
its Windows Key + Y.

But when this comes on, other applications on the system may display it
too. I was having trouble with Mailwasher because of this and they gave
me a fix to not use hardware acceleration.

I've yet to find the source application for what displays it and there
are no pictures that I've been able to find that look exactly like this.

I don't think there is anything to be done.



Adrian Rossiter

Oct 4, 2023, 7:07:32 AM10/4/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi Roger
Strange that the steps to trigger the overlay aren't reliable.

Adrian Rossiter

Roger Kaufman

Oct 4, 2023, 8:11:29 AM10/4/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi Adrian,
The problem with the keyboard not initially responding is because the
windows was because the window wasn't initially in focus. It is an
artifact of the way I bring up Antiview from the file explorer and my
problem only. That part is solved.

It isn't the y keypress.

Once the window is in focus, after its been up for a number of seconds
(seems like about 10 to 15), a mouse click inside window is enough to
turn it on.

I have found more about this and there are solutions in Linux. It has to
do with NVidia and OpenGL settings. But I haven't found a corresponding
setting in Windows.




Roger Kaufman

Oct 5, 2023, 1:10:38 PM10/5/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi Adrian,

On 10/4/2023 8:11 AM, Roger Kaufman wrote:
> Once the window is in focus, after its been up for a number of seconds
> (seems like about 10 to 15), a mouse click inside window is enough to
> turn it on.

I found out how to eliminate the FPS overlay.

The antiview.exe from the latest cross-compile was being executed under
Cygwin bash from a batch file. When I changed it to wsl bash, the
overlay no longer comes on.

This is interesting because the executable is static with no library
dependencies. ldd confirms it is not dynamic.

I also confirmed antiview runs under the Dos command prompt and without
the FPS overlay.


Roger Kaufman

Oct 11, 2023, 4:54:31 PM10/11/23
to anti...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

On 10/5/2023 1:11 PM, Roger Kaufman wrote:
> I found out how to eliminate the FPS overlay.

There is more to the story. The overlay comes from GPU Tweak which is
for my Asus graphics card. There are multiple ways to display an FPS
overlay and I'm finding out it is another application that will do it.

And it does it per graphics application by placing the overlay in the
upper left hand corner of it's window.

Somehow the overlay was turned on, or its because I had an older version
of the application. I installed the latest version and the overlay looks
different but can be turned on and off from the GPU Tweak application
and sometimes hotkeys will work.

Its still the case that running antiview under WSL or the Dos command
prompt won't display the overlay in antiview. But it will display it
when running under Cygwin.

But I do know how to turn the overlay on and off so the mystery is solved.


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