How to upload edited version?

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Scott Ellsworth

Dec 21, 2023, 8:33:33 PM12/21/23
to anthemion-jutoh
I uploaded my book to Kindle and also to KDP for print.
I found about 200 small errors and corrected them in Libre Office to re-upload for the printed version.
Please give me the steps to get this Office version into an uploadable format for Kindle.
I know that I need to remove page numbers.

I'm an idiot so don't assume any steps are self evident.
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Scott (Montana, U.S.A.)

Julian Smart

Dec 22, 2023, 7:01:42 AM12/22/23
Hi Scott,

You can use File | Import | Reimport Project and specify the ODT file in the second page. This will replace all your content, including formatting, so I recommend adding page styles to your Jutoh project so you can generate both your Kindle file and your ODT file directly from Jutoh.

See the Print On Demand topic in the Jutoh book (, and you can type e.g. PDF into the help box in the Jutoh toolbar for more on adapting your Jutoh book for print.

Then in future you can do your edits in Jutoh, and generate a Kindle or ODT file simply by selecting a configuration and clicking Compile.

Re. page numbers, you may have a TOC with page numbers in your ODT file. Delete this section once you've imported it into Jutoh (if it's merged with other sections you may need to split it with Document | Split Document). Then use Format | Book | Build Table of Contents to create an 'advanced' TOC that appears in the project, as opposed to the default one generated on compilation. The usual Jutoh-generated TOC will be replaced during compilation by a proper TOC in LibreOffice with page numbers. Although if it's a fiction book, you may not need a TOC in your print edition at all, and you can remove the TOC for ODT via tags and conditional formatting (see help for more).

Although it needs some time to set up your document for ODT/PDF, it's very satisfying once you've done it since you can tweak your content and then generate all required formats, so you are likely to save time in the future when you spot errors.

The most flexible way to set up page styles (numbering, headers, footers) is selecting the manual method in Project Properties/Page Layout, creating page styles for different sections. However you might get away with using Jutoh's automatic method which tries to generate appropriate page styles.


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