Write for Ant Media: Looking for technical authors

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Hamit Demir

Feb 3, 2022, 1:07:15 PM2/3/22
to Ant Media Server
Hi Everyone,
I have very exciting news for you. As we grow our footprint, we thought to ourselves “how can we support our developers and Ant Media fans?” – and one of the action items on our list is to help them write for Ant Media.

This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who wants to showcase their expertise. This way, you will gain exposure to a massive audience and your brand will be exposed to a great list of readers. Also, it will support your budget.

Does it sound good?


Feb 4, 2022, 7:57:07 AM2/4/22
to Ant Media Server

Sounds. Good !!

Hamit Demir

Feb 25, 2022, 4:03:32 AM2/25/22
to Ant Media Server
Hello everyone, we have come to the end of a busy week. Hope everyone had a good week.
Ant Media's biggest goal is to build a relationship with its users and community. That's why we wanted to provide you with the opportunity to write articles will be published on antmedia.io and on your own platforms. While your articles are read by thousands of people, you will also get income.

We have already started to receive sample articles. Please do not hesitate to share your articles with us. Together we will make Ant Media Server even more powerful.

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