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Setting the radiation pattern center

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AN-SOF Antenna Simulator Group

Aug 11, 2021, 10:03:34 PM8/11/21
to AN-SOF Antenna Simulator Group
From the far field point of view, the whole structure of an antenna and its surroundings is reduced to a single point at the origin (X,Y,Z) = (0,0,0). So the standard practice of superimposing the 3D radiation pattern to the antenna structure is just a means to facilitate the interpretation of the directional characteristics of an antenna.

For this reason, you can move the phase origin of the 3D radiation pattern to the desired point in order to get a better view of the antenna orientation versus its radiation pattern. Go to the Configure tab > Far Field > Origin and set the X0, Y0, Z0 coordinates of the radiation pattern center (see Section "4.3 Far-Fields" in AN-SOF user's guide).

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