Validating Dipole Antenna Simulations: A Comparative Study with King-Middleton

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AN-SOF Antenna Simulator Group

Oct 14, 2024, 1:43:25 PMOct 14
to AN-SOF Antenna Simulator Group

It’s always gratifying to receive feedback from our customers who share their insights on the accuracy of AN-SOF. The Ω parameter Ron refers to measures the thickness of the dipole. You can check the comparison with the King-Middleton solution in this article: Validating Dipole Antenna Simulations: A Comparative Study with King-Middleton › AN-SOF Antenna Simulation Software ( 🔗


💬 "Hello Tony,


You may be interested in my analysis tool comparisons for the impedance for two dipole lengths: halfwave and near resonance with a practical value of Ω = 12.5.


The King-Middleton 2nd-order solution is probably still the 'gold standard' for theoretical results.


• AN-SOF converges to the K-M solution for X around 39 & 45 segments

• NEC4.2 does not converge to the K-M solution by changing number of segments

• NEC5-x13 converges for the K-M X value around 42 segments

• Both NEC versions have the wavelength offset from conventional wisdom


BTW – I now use AN-SOF for all my Yagi analyses and designs.


Keep up the good work,


Ron Stockton (N0RR)"


🔧 Ron has worked 40+ years as an antenna engineer and department manager at Hughes Aircraft and Ball Telecommunications Products, focusing on state-of-the-art active aperture phased arrays. He holds several patents for monolithic microstrip phased arrays on GaAs substrates at 20 GHz RX and 44 GHz TX. Having used NEC, he’s now migrated to AN-SOF to design 6, 7, and 8-element OWA Yagis with a 50 Ω input impedance over a 2.8% BW for the amateur radio community.


🙏 Thank you so much, Ron! Your feedback means the world to us!

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