Ansible-2.10.0 has been released!

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Toshio Kuratomi

Sep 22, 2020, 7:23:23 PM9/22/20
to,, ansible-devel
Hi all-

**Important:** If you are upgrading from an older Ansible release,
please see the `How to get it` section for an important limitation.

We're happy to announce that the ansible-2.10 package is now available!

The Ansible package combines the work that went into decoupling the
ansible-base package, released last month, from the Ansible plugins
and the work of many contributors from the community, at numerous
partner businesses, and from Ansible itself to make the decoupled
content available to run on that base. Its goal is to provide users
an incrementally improved featureset over Ansible-2.9 but created from
multiple separate projects.

For an overview of "Ansible Collections" and the differences between
`ansible-base` and `ansible` please see

How to get it

Due to a limitation in pip, you need to uninstall Ansible 2.9 (or
earlier) before installing the 2.10 version:

$ pip uninstall ansible
$ pip install ansible==2.10.0 --user

The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

* Ansible 2.10.0
SHA256: 3aadd662ac3f04e46054c99cfe533a92ba33d97982f19e49f01dbe137f31d346

What's new in Ansible 2.10.0

* Collections which have opted into being a part of the Ansible-2.10.0
unified changelog will have an entry on this page:

* For other collections, consult the list of included collections in
the link below and check their entry on for
information about their changes.

* List of collections included in the 2.10.0 release:
* You can find more information for those on For instance, the community.crypto
collection listed in the ansible-2.10.0.deps file has a galaxy page at

* Changelog for ansible-base-2.10.1 which this release of ansible

Caveats and known bugs

* Due to a limitation in pip, you cannot `pip install --upgrade` from
ansible-2.9 or earlier to ansible-2.10 or higher. Instead, you must
explicitly use `pip uninstall ansible` before pip installing the new
version. If you attempt to upgrade Ansible with pip without first
uninstalling, the installer warns you to uninstall first.

* The individual collections that make up the ansible-2.10.0 package
can be viewed independently. However, they are not currently listed
by ansible-galaxy. To view these collections with ansible-galaxy,
explicitly specify where ansible has installed the collections::

COLLECTION_INSTALL=$(python -c 'import ansible, os.path ;
print("%s/../ansible_collections" %
os.path.dirname(ansible.__file__))') ansible-galaxy collection list -p

* A fix has been proposed but was not be merged for 2.10.0. This
is being tracked in this bug report:

*These fortios modules are not automatically redirected from their
2.9.x names to the new 2.10.x names within collections. You must
modify your playbooks to use fully qualified collection names for
them. You can use the documentation
for the ``fortinet.fortios`` collection to determine what the fully
qualified collection names are.

* fortios_address
* fortios_config
* fortios_firewall_DoS_policy
* fortios_firewall_DoS_policy6
* fortios_ipv4_policy
* fortios_switch_controller_802_1X_settings
* fortios_switch_controller_security_policy_802_1X
* fortios_system_firmware_upgrade
* fortios_system_nd_proxy
* fortios_webfilter

What's the schedule for new Ansible releases after 2.10.0?

* Patch releases for Ansible 2.10
* We will be releasing new ansible-2.10.x patch releases
approximately every 3 weeks.
* These releases will contain collections with new features as long
as those features do not introduce backwards incompatibilities.
* These releases will all be based on ansible-base-2.10.
* Expect ansible-2.10.1 around October 13th.

* We're just starting to discuss the release schedule for ansible-2.11.0.
* We're tentatively thinking of releasing ansible-2.11.0, with
potential backwards incompatible changes to the collections but based
on ansible-base-2.10
* Currently we're thinking that this release would happen sometime
early next year.
* Take this information as being subject to change as we're in the
early stages of discussion.

Porting Help

There's a unified porting guide for collections which have opted-in.
You can find that at:

-Toshio Kuratomi

Michael Ströder

Sep 23, 2020, 4:27:21 AM9/23/20
to, Toshio Kuratomi
On 9/23/20 1:22 AM, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
> The tar.gz of the release can be found here:
> * Ansible 2.10.0
> SHA256: 3aadd662ac3f04e46054c99cfe533a92ba33d97982f19e49f01dbe137f31d346

Any particular reason why the source is not available here like with
older releases?

I'm asking because the openSUSE package .spec contains:


If this download location is not the official URL anymore I can change
that of course.

Ciao, Michael.

Toshio Kuratomi

Sep 23, 2020, 10:59:08 AM9/23/20
to Michael Ströder,
I'm not sure if the why but yes, the official location is now supposed to be pypi.

We had decided to no longer ship rpms upstream early in the cycle because the rpm distributions were doing a much better job of packaging than we were.  That turned into the tarballs as well which I don't see a problem with as pypi is generally the go to location for python packages anyway but I can't remember what the reasoning was.

Thanks for checking on that!

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