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Problem with sudo su user

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Jakub Zieliński

May 12, 2016, 1:10:44 PM5/12/16
to Ansible Project

In sudoers file I have only (can't change it)
%user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/su - jboss

How can I sudo to jboss and then run some command?
I tried something like
- become: yes
    become_user: "jboss"
    raw: "touch test"
raw: "sudo su - jboss -c touch test"
but always ended:
Sorry, user is not allowed to execute 'command' as jboss

Johannes Kastl

May 14, 2016, 4:01:26 PM5/14/16
On 12.05.16 13:51 Jakub Zieliński wrote:

> How can I sudo to jboss and then run some command?

This is being asked frequently, and AFAIK the only answer is:

You can't.

Ansible stuffs a lot of voodoo around the actual commands, so it needs
your ansible_user to have NOPASSWD set for all commands.

You can store the become_pass in an ansible-vault-encrypted file, so
it can be given when sudo asks for it. This means your ansible_user
has to have the ability to issue all kinds of commands via sudo with
being asked for the password.



Brian Coca

May 16, 2016, 5:52:59 PM5/16/16
The problem here is that ansible does not support chaining privilege escalation methods (sudo OR su, not both).

%user ALL=(jboss) NOPASSWD: ALL


%user ALL=(jboss) ALL

would allow you to use sudo, or if you have the jboss user password you can use 'su', but Ansible cannot use the combination of the 2. Sadly this is a common pattern even though it is not needed as sudo can give you the same functionality w/o chaning su (as shown above).

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Johannes Kastl <> wrote:
Ansible stuffs a lot of voodoo around the actual commands, so it needs
your ansible_user to have NOPASSWD set for all commands.

​This is incorrect, you CAN have a sudo/su password​, the problem is not with that but the fact that you are stacking the methods.

Brian Coca

Johannes Kastl

May 17, 2016, 2:03:29 PM5/17/16
On 16.05.16 23:52 Brian Coca wrote:

> On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Johannes Kastl <> wrote:
>> Ansible stuffs a lot of voodoo around the actual commands, so it needs
>> your ansible_user to have NOPASSWD set for all commands.
> ​This is incorrect, you CAN have a sudo/su password​, the problem is not
> with that but the fact that you are stacking the methods.

I am sorry, I was unclear. I meant if you want *passwordless* sudo,
you need it for all commands, not just for some.

Of course sudo with prompting for the password (which can be supplied
in a lot of ways) works.


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