Ansible 5.10.0 has been released!

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Ompragash Viswanathan

Jun 28, 2022, 12:02:24 PM6/28/22

Hi all,

We're happy to announce that the Ansible 5.10.0 package has been released !

Ansible 5.10.0 includes ansible-core 2.12.7 as well as a curated set of

Ansible collections to provide a vast number of modules and plugins.

Please see the porting guide (linked at the bottom) for details.

How to get it


Due to a limitation in pip, if you are upgrading from Ansible 3 (or

earlier), you need to uninstall ansible and ansible-base before

installing Ansible 5:


$ pip uninstall ansible ansible-base

$ pip install ansible==5.10.0 --user


The tar.gz of the release can be found here:

Ansible 5.10.0:

SHA256: c77f556a7c3d9948f86639c5742aa885be25a7cdbda3bfb41a8314b60a3341e8

What's new in Ansible 5.10.0


* The changelog for ansible-core 2.12 installed by this release of

ansible is available here:

* Collections which have opted into being a part of the Ansible-5

unified changelog will have an entry on this page:

* For collections which have not opted into the unified changelog, you

may find more information on or their

source repository.

For example, the community.crypto collection would be found at and you can find a link to

the source repository under the "Repo" button at the top right.

What's the schedule for new Ansible releases after 5.10.0 ?


* Ansible 5.10.0 is the last Ansible 5.x release.

* Ansible 6.0.0 (which will include ansible-core 2.13) is released on 2022-06-21.

More information can be found in the roadmap:

* Please note that the release of ansible-core 2.13 will

coincide with the end-of-life of ansible 2.9 and ansible-base 2.10:

* Except for ansible-2.9.x, older versions of ansible are no longer

seeing maintenance releases. If there is a desire for maintenance

releases of older versions, drop by a Community Working Group Meeting

to discuss how you can help:

Porting Help


A unified porting guide for collections which have opted-in is available here:

Getting collection updates from Ansible 5 with ansible-core 2.11.x


Ansible 5 includes ansible-core 2.12.x which has raised the minimum

python requirement to python>=3.8 and users have expressed an interest

in getting collection updates as they ship in Ansible 5 while keeping

ansible-core 2.11.x which still supports python>=2.7.

An ansible-galaxy requirements file based on the collections from

Ansible 5 has been made available for this use case:

Once the requirements file has been downloaded, the collections can be

installed by running:

"ansible-galaxy collection install -r galaxy-requirements.yaml"

On behalf of the Ansible community, thank you and happy automating!

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