Spore 100 Save Game

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Marjorie Piganelli

Dec 22, 2023, 11:30:42 PM12/22/23
to annoy-user

In addition to the save files in ...\AppData\Roaming\SPORE, you also have to copy the files from the "My Spore Creations" folder from your documents folder. In Windows, that's most likely at C:\Users\[Username]\Documents\My Spore Creations.

i know this sounds stupid , but i jusr reached the space stage and want to quit, but if i do that without saving i'll go back to the tribe stage but when pressing quit i dont get the save question and in options the save thingy is not clickable

"Save game failed. Spore will now exit". The last words before the disaster. I thought the game would save as normal, but this text popped up, making me lose all my saved games up until that point. I mean, I hadn't even begun to take on the Grox, but still... The game exhibits a weird behavior whenever I try to save and quit to menu or to desktop; it crashes and makes me play from a previous save. Since then I began saving twice before quitting. Any way I can prevent this? Oh, by the way I'm using the steam version, so maybe I have the answer already. I'm gonna download the Origin version next week.

Did you find a way to solve the issue you presented on the pic? Namely the planets are showing but the creatures are not. I have the same issues. I transferred the save game data as well as my creations from my old macintosh to new PCas supposed into their respective folders. Is there a way to repair the connection between the saved planets and creations that belong to them?

Thanks for the reply. I think I found the problem. Its not enough to copy and replace just the Game folder with the saves, you have to also replace the polination file so the game knows which planets to populate with what creatures, buildngs etc. To be safe, I copied everything within the Roaming file to my new save game location. Now it works as it should.

A saved game is a planet in the Spore Galaxy which functions as the homeworld of another player-controlled species. Saved games are identified by a unique blue ring around the star, which shows up as long as the player is in the general vicinity (around 50 parsecs) of the saved game's system.

The player can interact with their other saved games in the Space Stage. When interacting with the other saved game, they will behave similar to any AI of the corresponding archetype or stage (with the exception of Knight and Wanderer empires, which act like Warriors and Diplomats respectively). However, saved game empires will sell the same stock as the player's empire at the same price. Empires on other saved games can be allied with (however, this is one sided, and the other save file won't actually be affected by this), but the original saved game system cannot be captured or conquered if the current player ends up at war with them, nor can it be purchased. However, players can interact with any other system that is owned by the saved game as if it were a normal system, although they cannot establish trade route with systems owned by another empire from another save file.

When the player deletes a saved game, despite the exploding planet animation, that empire will just become computer controlled with very minimal changes, retaining their anthem, ships, all of their planets plus anything placed on them (yes, even uber turrets. But fret not! These won't attack you, as the game either thinks they belong to the player, or because uber turrets are unable to attack player-controlled vehicles), voice, etc. Oddly enough, the buildings and planet-based vehicles they use will be randomized.

One of the unsolved glitches in Spore involves the use of Planet Coloring tools on a homeworld. If the planet coloring tools are used in Space Stage on a homeworld and Spore crashes without saving, the planet will have the exact same color and colonies on it. However, when the player starts it in Tribal Stage or lower, the color will stay the same, but any colony on the planet previously would cease to exist. Other glitches exist with saved games, such as empires or buildings changing color, or a mixture of spaceships from other saved games.

Another glitch is Eco Disaster happening on the homeworld of another saved game. If this happens, there is no way to permanently settle the disaster as the tools are not usable on a homeworld system, and the disaster will not show up when switching to that save file.

When visiting a deleted, now CPU controlled save file, for whatever reason, buying out their systems will still be impossible, as the option for a trade route never appears no matter what your relationship with the empire is. However, it's now possible to take over said system by force.

Deleted save files have broken empire colors. Their ship trails, ships when showing up on a map, and main color overall will be whatever color they were back when you owned the save file. However, their cities and any uber turrets they may have had will be the color of whatever empire you're playing as.

I don't want to reset all of my progress, but I want to go back to my 2nd to last save. I saved while I was getting attacked in the tribal stage without thinking and I can't save my village, so I just die over and over again and I can't do anything about it. I can't find anything about it on the internet so please help.

I've just been reading the PC Gamer (UK) review of Spore, and my attitude
towards the game has shifted from "not really interested" to "very tempted
to buy this." A lot of what I've read really appeals to me, in a way that
games like The Sims really really don't.However one thing in particular has made me slightly cautious. Towards the
end of the review, it says, "[...] the game crashed four times in my 50-odd
hours of play, which I find entirely acceptable. What's completely
unacceptable in that there's no autosave whatsoever, so every single time I
lost over three hours of progress. [...]"I'm not too worried about the crashing, annoying as that would no doubt be,
but more about the implication regarding saving the game.Is this simply saying that the game doesn't automatically save and that the
reviewer forgot to save manually, or is it saying that there's no way to
save at all in the middle of developing your creature?The reason I ask is because I always find my gaming time in very limited
availability, and there's no way I could play for anything like three hours
in a single day. I'm more likely to get closer to 30 minutes. If there's no
way to save the game after reasonably small amounts of time then I'll have
to sadly leave the game on the shelf and play something else instead...Thanks for any information on this that anyone can offer!-- (O)enone

Oh, if only that were the extent of Spore's save game problem. I just
ran into a nasty bug, which is nasty partly because of the bug itself
and partly because the game handles it in the stupidest manner
possible.I had last saved my game partway through the Creature stage, and then
I played from that stage through the tribal/civ stages in one sitting.
This was something like six hours of gameplay for me. So, shortly into
the space stage, I was on a planet surface and I tried to save, but
the option was grayed out. Apparently you have to zoom out to the
galaxy map to save, which I did, but then Spore told me that there was
an error trying to save, and that SPORE WILL NOW EXIT. No "retry/
ignore" option, it just failed to save and then forced an exit. What
bothers me is that someone went out of their way to code this
behavior. It would have been easier to ignore the problem and let me
continue playing and then at least I could attempt another save or
just leave the game running in the background until I got around to
finishing it. The way they handled this error is so dumb that it's
offensive.So to answer your question, yes, you CAN TRY to save your game at
anytime, but every time you do, you run the risk that it will cause
the game to close on you without saving. So if losing hours of
progress is a concern to you, then yes I agree 100% with the review
you quoted -- it's completely unacceptable and you best wait for a
patch or just avoid the game altogether -- it's not that good anyway.
Make no mistake, the only reason I played the game for a six-hour
sitting is simply because it takes that long to get things to
progress, not because I was glued to the gameplay. I probably won't
even bother finishing it now.

There is very little replayability, to be honest. Once you get to the
space age once, unless you just like building the creature, building,
and vehicle models, there's absolutely nothing even remotely
replayable about the game. I mean, you can try it as a carnivore/war
species, or a herbivore/religious species, or even then dangerous
omnivore/economist species, but really, it's the same game over and
over and over and over again. I've played through to the space age 3
times now, and although the space age is fun and the galaxy is
massive, I am not a fan of Sim for the sake of Sim. Once I run out of
goals that yield significant rewards, I lose interest. Creating the
creatures and buildings is interesting, but there seems to be a
problem in that you can't choose to stay in the spore stage, or the
tribal stage, at least not with any sort of entertainment. It seems to
me that they tried to make it simple enough for most people to get it
and dumbed it down too much. I feel like I'm required to enjoy the
space stage, because the rest of it is just too easy, even on "hard"
mode.My final thought is that Spore is a fun game, but for $50, save your
money and wait for something better.

Of course, if you do happen to need to quit during a training phase,
you lose
any progress since your last save. For example, if you went from start
civ phase to early space phase, and you just don't have time to kill
diseased creatures, you'll have to go back and redo your civ phase.
That's a pretty serious flaw. Not as bad as crashing 4 times in 50
of game play, which would pretty much turn me off on that publisher
for producing a shoddy product, but it's still bad.

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