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RE-minder: RE-Barbarella!!! Space Virgins blast off from the Re-Bar - June 16

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Kay Morrison

Jun 15, 2006, 3:51:13 PM6/15/06
Hello all you saucy space travelers.  Wanted to remind you that you have a date with the Space Virgins on Friday night!

Come down to the Re-Bar and shake your bootie with DJ Riz, and the Space Virgins!

We can't wait to see you there!


You are invited to RE-BARBARELLA --a Space Virgin Fundraiser ($5 cover)

RE-BARBARELLA --a Space Virgin Fundraiser ($5 cover)

Barbarella is back, baby and she's coming to the Space Virgin
fundraiser at the ReBar. Come party with us on Friday, June 16th @
10:30 pm.

$5 gets you in and next to us.

Barbarella/space-themed costumes highly encouraged but not required.


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