Space Virgin Garage Sale - Saturday May 20th

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Kay Morrison

May 18, 2006, 1:45:13 PM5/18/06
It's that time of year, kids!  The skirts get shorter, the men get hotter, and garage sales take the place of potlucks as the place to gather!

That's right, the Space Virgins are having a garage sale this weekend, and your sweet sweet bootie is invited!

*SV Annual Garage Sale *(wigs optional)
This fabulous annual event will be taking place for
*ONE DAY ONLY*: Sat, May 20th! at the Hive-Mind house:

4065 4th Ave NE,

We are across from the *John Stanford International School*
*Rummage **Sale. **** *A 300+ family sale (
* *<>)

We are collaborating with some of the Martians, so you know that there will be goods a plenty for all kinds of people! Clothing, furniture, music, small dogs, Juicebox, tools, half burned candles, you name it, we're selling it!!

So come on down and get your thrift on Yo!*

****Reminder*: There is a "family friendly event" going on just across the street, so if you must get Kinko with your Wig, at least be wearing a skirt!!!!
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