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ILI9341 and SD card do not work together

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Feb 2, 2021, 5:19:59 PM2/2/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
so far it works quite well. The SD card is recognized and the ILI9341 also shows something, but unfortunately not at the same time. If I have configured an ILI9341 via the config page, the SD-Kate is not recognized. If I have not set a display, the SD card is recognized. With a trick I can get both to work, I first configure without a display, then the SD card is recognized. Then I set the ILI9341 in the config page and reset the ESP32. So both work at the same time, when I turn the power off and on again, only the display works again. I tried to find the topic in the forum, but unfortunately without success. What am I doing wrong?
It's Annex32 Wifi 1.41 beta5
Chip is ESP32D0WDQ6 (rvision 1)
It is a 16Gb SD card but also 1Gb
It's this schematic, without touch:

Feb 3, 2021, 6:31:16 AM2/3/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
This is a hardware problem. on the SD Card slot there are resistive voltage deviders to have the SD working on 5V level.
Try to remove those voltage dividers and SD, Display and Touch works together on one SPI bus.


Feb 3, 2021, 12:37:06 PM2/3/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
I use a display without a voltage divider and without a touch, it's a 2.2 inch display. But I have already tested it with the 2.2 inch display and an SD card adapter, as shown in the picture, with the same result as described above.


Fernando Perez

Feb 3, 2021, 1:27:25 PM2/3/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Reading the help of Annex32, I understand that Cicciocb indicates that this card model incorporates an AMS111 regulator that must be canceled by short-circuiting the pins indicated with a red circle, so that it can be supplied directly with 3.3 volts.
In any case, I have somewhere a CATALEX card identical to the one in your photo. I'll check tonight.

Fernando Perez

Feb 3, 2021, 1:34:59 PM2/3/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Oilaf, I see that in your messages there is no link in blue to translate the content.
For me it is very comfortable, since my language is not English. As I think I remember, from his previous messages, it is also the case with him.


Feb 3, 2021, 5:38:56 PM2/3/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Good evening
I had a similar problem and solved it by adding 12K-pull-up-resistors especially to CS but the other SPI-pins as well.
If I look at e.g the M5Stack schematic I see there a SD-Card and the display together with 12K-pullup-resistors.
I guess that will help to bring signal levels to a secure range.


Feb 4, 2021, 4:55:52 AM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Just a thought - Does defining pins as PULLUP before I2C.SETUP keep the pullup function operational during I2C operation, even though the lines are switching between input and output modes?


Feb 4, 2021, 5:19:14 AM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Good morning 
I am not  absolutely sure about the pullup function. But I think the purpose is to pull up ( or down ) an open INPUT pin  and that has no effect to an Output pin.
The intention was to ensure the right input level for the external components . Thus the external resistor.


Feb 4, 2021, 7:37:34 AM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi all,
about the SDCARD, I think that could be a problem of wiring as I never had this kind of problem.
About the I2C pullup question, the ESP32 I2C driver enable automatically the pullup resistors.
The same is for the ESP8266.


Feb 4, 2021, 11:22:13 AM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS


Feb 4, 2021, 3:54:04 PM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Yes Peter, that's the solution, thank you very much. I connected a 10k resistor to 3.3V to the data lines, to the chip select and to the clock line and it works.
@Fernando, yes I saw that there was no translation switch in my posts, but I don't know how to change it.

Fernando Perez

Feb 4, 2021, 6:17:26 PM2/4/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Oilaf, I'm glad you managed to fix the SD card and TFT issue. And also that the translation option appears now in your messages:

Testing, I set up a micro SD connection system taking advantage of the micro SD to SD adapters that are usually included in the purchase:

They work surprisingly well simply by adding a 10k pullup resistor to the CS (GPIO4) pin. And cheaper, impossible!

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