Oh !!!
I am pleased to hear that you are still working on it, ciccioCB - but why do you want to hide it in the end?
That would be a great expansion!!
And I already had the following project plans:
- Bird nesting box camera with IR light barrier or VL53LOX sensor as shutter release. A friend of mine is building a mount for a M5Camera in the lid of a nesting box.
- Wild boar camera together with a radar sensor at a friend's place in the Sauerland area, one of the deepest wildernesses of Germany ;-) together with email notification and a horn to chase the animals away from the vegetable field.
- If the photo function is fast enough: light barrier or similar as shutter release to trigger a photo series (example: falling water drop)
So: Please do not get discouraged!The world needs you and your programming skills!! We just have to make the world understand this a little better :-)))