Annex website or google group navigation

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Feb 8, 2021, 12:00:14 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi cicciocb / Electrogaurd
 Are there any plans to restore forum navigation through "google groups" or to migrate to the cicciocb website? Life is very hard since google buggered your folders. Unless its just me being unaware of the existing infrastructure, I find it hard to review projects and examples.
 If its a matter of manual labor, I am willing to donate any help that I'm capable.(if needed of course)
What do we need to rectify this?

ciccio cb

Feb 8, 2021, 12:55:47 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi Zim, Robin
in fact I created some time ago a forum that was supposed to replace the google site.

I just created the forum but I never played with it but it could be a good occasion to configure  and start to use it.

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Feb 8, 2021, 1:06:44 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
looking forward to it!

Alejandro Martín Torres

Feb 8, 2021, 1:18:04 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS

Hello how are you? There are better services to build forum. I implemented because the free tools it offers you (free server for images, videos, etc etc) are much friendlier. 

Alejandro Martín Torres

Feb 8, 2021, 1:29:26 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS

It also allows you to include the web page in html ... hopefully it will help you.


Feb 8, 2021, 2:15:05 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi Alejandro,
thanks for your suggestion, it seems a good opportunity to forums for free.
Does it is completely free or basically it is supported by advertising ?
The only problem with the free services is that they can change the rules at any time (like google does) and even stop at any moment.
This is why you cannot rely on them.


Feb 8, 2021, 2:17:40 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi torres.electronico, 
Less can actually be more when it all belongs to you... the url of CiccioCB's forum appears to be on his own registered domain which he is in control of,  whereas free gifts like online storage from businesses like google are often a temporary investment which will eventually be somehow clawed back from entrapped users.
Free services can be great, but like CiccioCB and his alternative forum, it's wise to have a fallback to depend on in case ever needed.

ciccio cb

Feb 8, 2021, 2:48:27 PM2/8/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi all,
I just configured a little bit the group creating the same kind of organisation like it was previously the case in this group.

The url is here :

Please try to register there and write some posts.



Feb 9, 2021, 6:15:05 AM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
This may just be a coincidence, but I just tried accessing this messed-up google groups forum from the Annex Website Forum link, and it showed the original categories back again  (see screendump below)... but warning that it wouldn't be for long.

So if that also works the same for you, now might be the best (and only) opportunity to look for anything specific before it disappears into obscurity..

CiccioCB, is there anything that might be done to save the different categories contents while they are still available ?

ciccio cb

Feb 9, 2021, 12:14:45 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi Robin,
I copied the categories from this page yesterday.

I don't know if we could save all the existing posts into another format.
I'll check later tonight if I can export in text and eventually reinject in the new forum.

Maybe you can try too, Robin.



Feb 9, 2021, 4:32:22 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi all,

Unless and until a practical method can be found for scraping old posts to the new Forum, users will need to copy over anything they think is worth keeping (even if not the originator)... once required content (text, pics, files) has been copied over, it can be made more presentable at leisure if wished.


Feb 9, 2021, 4:37:48 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
maybe we should each be designated to a section to avoid confusion and "out of order" post?
What do you think?


Feb 9, 2021, 5:11:06 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Maybe, but possibly the best incentive is for people to do whatever they have an interest in.
You've done some good projects, and nobody would be better than you for copying them, cos then you can be sure that no essential text or pics or files are missed.

I've already done some snippets, and I found that usually there is only crucial parts of some posts which need to be copied, and so long as they are created with the same topic names in the same category names then it shouldn't be too confusing.
Things like bug posts and updates probably won't still be relevant.
Perhaps some users might help by screening some of the question posts, cos it's probably only the resulting answers which need saving.
The projects are the most important, and everything else that is saved is a bonus.


Feb 9, 2021, 6:06:53 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Is there a limit on images per post?  I seem to get stuck at 3.....


Feb 9, 2021, 7:06:09 PM2/9/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
I know there are file size limits, so probably are quantity limits also.

A possible way around a number of pics limitation is to combine some into a 'montage'.
Irfanview  can do that (and a lot more) if you need a free program - the Win portable version is handy, but the Win installer version actually installs perfectly on my MX Linux (using Wine).

The screendump below shows where you choose the files you wish to combine, and change their order, and optionally set the space between them - remember to save the resulting picture before closing Irfanview.


ciccio cb

Feb 10, 2021, 3:17:22 AM2/10/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi All,
I changed the option from 3 to 10 max attachments.
I'm still fighting with the email configuration

Fernando Perez

Feb 12, 2021, 4:48:31 PM2/12/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Tell me how I can help. Due to Covid restrictions in my region, few things can be done outside the home today. I have a lot of free time.

ciccio cb

Feb 13, 2021, 3:17:48 AM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi Fernando,
you could help by supporting the Syntax Highlight in the forum.
I already integrated the prism plugin into the group, now we should implement the right syntax for annex basic.


Feb 13, 2021, 7:56:39 AM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Will there be a way to store uploaded images on the host site? Requiring them to be external links always in my experience leads eventually to broken links.


Feb 13, 2021, 8:52:30 AM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
You are asking CiccioCB to repeat what he already said a bit earlier in this same thread.

ciccio cb

Feb 13, 2021, 9:06:24 AM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
the images up to 2MB can be stored on the forum.
However, I suggest to put big files (such as videos) outside the forum to avoid exploding the disk space quota of the forum.

Fernando Perez

Feb 13, 2021, 11:55:47 AM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hello Cicciocb. I get to work on adapting Prism's Syntax Highlight to work on your PhBB3 Annex forum.
In order not to waste time, I have uploaded a PhpBB3 imitating yours to my site, and where I will do the tests. If I succeed, I will send you the necessary .js and .css files.
I hope to get it!

ciccio cb

Feb 13, 2021, 12:02:00 PM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Hi Fernando,
in fact I already did the job, finally it was quite easy to implement.

For example this post shows the annex syntax colors :

Good to know that you have a carbon copy of the site, maybe we could use it as a backup for the main site.


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Fernando Perez

Feb 13, 2021, 12:23:43 PM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
It still amazes me that I can work at that speed and take care of so many things at the same time!
I think it is perfect.
Regarding using my site as a backup site or even for development testing, I remain at your disposal.
It's always good to have copies of everything in case Google does something funny.
In fact, I tried saving your website some time ago:
Naturally, with robots.txt blocking search engines.

El sábado, 13 de febrero de 2021, 18:02:00 (UTC+1), cicciocb escribió:
Hi Fernando,
in fact I already did the job, finally it was quite easy to implement.

For example this post shows the annex syntax colors :

Good to know that you have a carbon copy of the site, maybe we could use it as a backup for the main site.


On Sat, 13 Feb 2021 at 17:55, Fernando Perez <> wrote:
Hello Cicciocb. I get to work on adapting Prism's Syntax Highlight to work on your PhBB3 Annex forum.
In order not to waste time, I have uploaded a PhpBB3 imitating yours to my site, and where I will do the tests. If I succeed, I will send you the necessary .js and .css files.
I hope to get it!

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ciccio cb

Feb 13, 2021, 12:37:51 PM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
Thanks Fernando,
I'm very happy to see that you were able to do a complete backup of the Annex site, this will be a great backup for the future.

I  think that now is time to go over and continue into moving the global site into the new domain
I already created a structure of the "new" site but now I would go deeper inside and copy the old content in the new site.

Maybe you could help me into this task, together with all that might be available to.

The new site is at that address 

but will probably be moved to


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Fernando Perez

Feb 13, 2021, 1:17:29 PM2/13/21
to Annex WiFi RDS
I see you have mounted a WordPress on Hostinger, with Elementor as a builder.
I haven't worked in WP for a long time, but I remember having trouble getting it cleanly from root to folder.
Links are often forgotten. But I suppose the system will have improved a lot and there is a lot of help on the Internet. Example:
If you are not very advanced, it may be preferable to do it now.
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