I've created some flashcards with AnkiDroid 2.8.5beta1 (my old Android 4.3 won't install a newer version),
then I exported the apkg file with AnkiDroid, and imported this apkg file
with Anki 23.12.1 to add further flashcards.
exporting the current apkg file created in Anki, an import of this
file doesn't work with AnkiDroid 2.8.5beta. After the ending of the
import process, the message is: "Cards imported: 0."
that, I tried to synchronize AnkiDroid with AnkiWeb. This unspecific
error occured:
"A net work error has occurred."
an idea, how to import Anki's flashcards with my AnkiDroid version?
Hi there -
with apologies, this will never be possible, the latest Anki Desktops do not even include support for the very old "v1" scheduler (I believe the newest version may not even include the "v2" scheduler code any more!) so they only export decks using new scheduler formats
And AnkiDroid 2.8 is so old it doesn't include anything but the v1 scheduler so they are fundamentally incompatible.
Your only option is to use a device with a newer Android version (I suggest Android 8 or higher as a reasonable minimum, it's about 6 years old and there should be hardware available for cheap on the used market if desired...)
...or to download and use Anki Desktop from the same rough vintage as AnkiDroid 2.8.x (which should be something from around end-of-2018 or early-2019 - likely something like 2.1.15 which seems to be the earliest available I can see here https://github.com/ankitects/anki/releases?page=6)
It may be painful but the best recommendation is really to start looking for a more up to date device so you can access the up to date software
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