FW: One Quick Click to Stop Hunting Heritage Bill Plus Big Victories in NJ and IL

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Judy Reed, AnimalVoices

Aug 12, 2013, 4:16:00 AM8/12/13
to AnimalVoices, AnimalVoices Colorado AVC, Topekaanimaltalk, helptheanimals, ahimsa, Kitr...@aol.com, AR-...@googlegroups.com, Kinship Circle, ne...@dawnwatch.com, Zelda Penzel
Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121

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From: "In Defense of Animals (IDA)" <ida...@idausa.org>
Organization: In Defense of Animals
Reply-To: "In Defense of Animals (IDA)" <ida...@idausa.org>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 16:00:47 -0500 (CDT)
To: animalvo...@earthlink.net
Subject: One Quick Click to Stop Hunting Heritage Bill Plus Big Victories in NJ and IL

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Animal News Weekly - August 9, 2013

Tell Your Senator to Oppose The Sportsmen's Act 2013 (S. 1335)

In Defense of Animals
The formula to protect wild animals from cruelty is simple: anything
that the Safari Club International (SCI) supports MUST be opposed.

The SCI, an atrocious trophy hunter organization, is currently
lobbying heavily for S 1335, sponsored by Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK).
If passed, the Act would make hunting and trapping a priority to be
considered on federal lands --public lands that are owned and
funded by us, the Public.

The bill would allow hunting and trapping in designated wilderness
areas, allow "volunteers" to help in the killing of so-called "excess"
animals on Federal land, including National Parks, increase the share
of federal lands turned into shooting ranges, and legalize the
transporting of bows through national parks and the importation of
"trophies" from polar bears kills in Canada.

Please contact your Senator immediately and tell her/him to vote "NO"
on the Sportsmen's Act 2013 (S. 1335).


The threats our wildlife face come from many directions- loss of
habitat, trophy hunters, poaching, conflicts with humans and or
human-based activities, as well as the hardships of living in the wild
as predator or prey. The last thing we need right now is to open our
national parks or wilderness areas that currently do not allow hunting
to more killing.

Victory: Patrick's Law Signed by NJ Governor Chris Christie this Week

In Defense of Animals
IDA would like to thank our dedicated New Jersey supporters who
responded to our alert and sent letters to Governor Christie asking
him to sign Patrick's Law. Many of you will remember Patrick,
the pit bull who was discovered in March 2011 wrapped in a garbage bag
and thrown into a trash chute after being starved nearly to death. His
story and pictures sparked massive outrage, and led to the demand that
stronger laws be put in place to deter and punish these horrible cases
of animal abuse. Our members and thousands of concerned citizens
across the state supported and pushed for justice for Patrick and
other innocent victims of human cruelty and abuse.

S1303, "Patrick's Law", unanimously passed the Senate and was
signed by the Governor on Wednesday.

Under Patrick's Law, starving or otherwise abusing an animal will be
considered to be a fourth degree crime, which is a step up from a
disorderly persons offense. If the abuse causes the animal's
death, it would be a third degree offense. Fines would increase from
$1,000 to $3,000 for the first offense and range between $3,000 to
$5,000 for any further offenses.

Patrick was lucky, and has since made a full recovery. His suffering
was not in vain because now abusers will be held accountable for their

For more information, please contact an...@idausa.org.

It's Been a Long Time Coming: Niabi Zoo to Relocate Elephants

In Defense of Animals
In a unanimous vote, the Rock Island County Board in Illinois recently
decided to relocate the Niabi Zoo's two Asian elephants, Sophie and
Babe, to another facility that could offer them better care. According
to the Board chairman quoted in an article, "It was time we really do
what was best for the elephants."

Prior to the vote, IDA supporters sent thousands of emails to the
Board, urging members to vote in support of relocating Sophie (age 43)
and Babe (age 37) and to keep them together. The board's
decision follows a report by a zoo-industry expert, which found that
the elephants' chronic health problems are only getting worse at the
Niabi Zoo, exacerbated by the region's cold climate. The report
recommended that the elephants be sent to a facility in warmer
temperatures that can offer them space for exercise and veterinary

Sophie and Babe are former Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey
Circus performers and have lived at the Niabi Zoo for a decade. The
Association of Zoos and Aquariums pulled the Niabi Zoo's
accreditation in 2012 in large part due to the inadequate elephant
exhibit. The Board is expected to decide where to send the elephants
this month, with plans to move Sophie and Babe by winter.

IDA will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates.

Great New Book by Dr. Sheri Speede Now Available

In Defense of Animals
Dr. Sheri Speede is the founder/director of In Defense of
Animals-Africa and Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center.

In September 2008, Dorothy, a female chimpanzee in her late forties,
died of congestive heart failure at the Rescue Center. A photo of
Dorothy's funeral, in which Dr. Sheri Speede was cradling Dorothy's
head while her family of chimpanzees looked on, went viral after being
published in National Geographic. The image was subsequently covered
in hundreds of media outlets on television, in newspapers, and on
blogs, deeply touching people around the world while showing once and
for all that animals do indeed have feelings.

Now Dr. Speede gives us Kindred Beings, a touching and scientifically
compelling memoir that follows the chimpanzee's life from the time
Sheri met her while Dorothy was tethered on a chain at Luna Park Hotel
in 1999 until her death nine and a half years later at Sanaga-Yong
Chimpanzee Rescue Center.

To read more and to order this compelling new book, please click here.

In Defense of Animals
Your Peace of Mind. Their Peace.

You can rest assured that your commitment to protect animals will live
on long after you're gone.

Placing IDA in your will is an easy way for you to celebrate your
passion to create a safer, more human world for animals.

For more information about including a gift to IDA in your will please
contact IDA's Planned Giving Director Nicole Otoupalik at
Nic...@idausa.org or call 714.389.2823.


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In Defense of Animals



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In Defense of Animals (IDA), located in San Rafael, Calif., is an international animal protection organization with more than 100,000 members and supporters dedicated to ending the abuse and exploitation of animals by protecting their rights and welfare. IDA's efforts include educational events, cruelty investigations, boycotts, grassroots activism, and hands-on rescue through our sanctuaries in Mississippi, India, and Africa.

In Defense of Animals is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations to IDA are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. We welcome your feedback and deeply appreciate your financial and volunteer support. Join us today! Go to: http://ida.convio.net/site/R?i=nZlBnmUcYgMjlZliC1umYQ .

In Defense of Animals
3010 Kerner, San Rafael, CA 94901
Tel. (415) 448-0048 Fax (415) 454-1031

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