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Judy Reed

Mar 13, 2014, 4:23:19 AM3/13/14
to YES WE CAN!, AnimalVoicesNews, AVC - AnimalVoices Colorado, Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos, * Leader Democrats, Carol Blackard, Colorado Grassroots Organizers, Betty Harris, Steven Best, The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
YES WE CAN! News & Alerts

: I was shocked when I saw "David H. Koch, The Fund for Science" announced as a supporter of NOVA on PBS and "the public understanding of science."  What?  Daily Kos must have heard me screaming!  This Petition is good timing.  While Koch-funded scientists reversed their denial and negative position on climate change, the continuous and effective denials of years have done their damage in the minds of many.  

My theory: One doesn't "believe" in climate change, or evolution, or gravity. One "believes" in gods and angels.  One KNOWS about science.

The Kochs remind me of the cigarette companies who told us cigarettes were "good" for us.  We believed it for too long, and many learned the truth too late.

Petition: Urge PBS affiliate WGBH to remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and Science Visiting Council because of his anti-science positions.

See: Alert Below AND:

Bombshell: Koch-Funded Study Finds Global

Warming Is Real, On The High End, And
Essentially All Due To Carbon Pollution

By Joe Romm on Jul 28, 2012 at 5:31 pm
The Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study (BEST)>>

If you are unable to access this article, I will send it to you:

Also See:
Koch Brothers Exposed!  

Koch Industries, which the brothers own, is one of the top ten polluters in the United States <> ‹ which perhaps explains why the Kochs have given $60 million to climate denial groups between 1997 and 2010.  <>

The Kochs are the oil and gas industry¹s biggest donors to the congressional committee with oversight of the hazardous Keystone XL oil pipeline. They and their employees gave more than $300,000 to members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee in 2010 alone. >>

Kochs Profit from Canadian Eco-Nightmare
Koch Industries processes one in four barrels of U.S.-bound Alberta tar sand, while pumping millions of dollars into highly conservative, anti-green causes. READ MORE                                                     
By Geoff Dembicki / The Tyee         

How Koch Industries Makes Billions Corrupting Government
The Koch's Tea Party libertarianism is actually a thin veneer for the company's long-running history of manipulating the market to pad Koch profits.READ MORE
Lee Fang / Think Progress          

Koch Industries is a well-documented and infamous polluter of air and water -- and the public discourse.

€  In 2010, Koch Industries was ranked 10th on the list of top U.S. corporate air polluters

Koch Industries is the major source of funds of climate denial. Greenpeace states that between 1997 and 2008 Koch Industries donated nearly $48 million to groups which doubt or oppose anthropogenic global warming.

From 2005 to 2008, Koch industries spent $5.7 million on political campaigns and $37 million on direct lobbying to support fossil fuel industries.

€  Koch Industries became among the first oil firms that lobbied against a national standard for low carbon fuel standard in 2007.  

€  Long-time Koch watcher Jim Hightower says of Charles and David Koch: "It's all about them, you see -- they want to be free of anti-pollution regulations, labor laws, corporate taxes, and other policies that serve the common good. The public be damned. Keep your eyes on these two. After all, the higher the monkey climbs, the more you see of its ugly side."

For updates and all things Koch:
Center for Media and Democracy


From: "Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 16:03:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Sign the petition: David Koch should not be on the board of a PBS affiliate

Please sign the petition urging PBS affiliate WGBH to remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and Science Visiting Council because of his anti-science positions. Click here to sign.
David Koch is a known climate denier who gives tens of millions of dollars to fund organizations whose mission is to spread misinformation to the American public about climate change and science. For this reason, he should not be associated with an organization whose mission includes ³fostering an informed and active citizenry.²

WGBH defends Koch¹s role at the station. Board Chair Amos Hostetter Jr. has said Koch  brings ³diversity² to the board, and that there is no ³political litmus test² for board members.

The problem is that climate change denial isn¹t a political viewpoint­­it¹s completely false. It¹s anti-science, anti-education, wrongheadedness meant to mislead the public about scientific fact, which contributes to the Kochs bottom line.  This type of misleading ³diversity² doesn¹t belong at an education organization.

Recent public pressure prompted David Koch to resign from the board of New York¹s WNET after questions of conflict of interest and self-censorship arose around the documentaries ³Park Avenue: Money, Power, and the American Dream² and ³Citizen Koch².

We need to make his next resignation happen now.

Sign the petition urging WGBH to remove David Koch from the Board of Trustees and Science Visiting Council.  <>

Keep fighting,
Rachel Colyer
Campaign Director, Daily Kos

P.S. Please help keep Daily Kos strong by chipping in $3. <>

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An informed citizenry is freedom¹s best defense.
I know no safe depositor of the ultimate powers of society but the people
themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their
control with wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them
but to inform their discretion."   ~Thomas Jefferson 1820

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Judy Reed

Mar 13, 2014, 4:35:23 AM3/13/14
to YES WE CAN!, AnimalVoicesNews, AVC - AnimalVoices Colorado, Rachel Colyer, Daily Kos, * Leader Democrats, Carol Blackard, Colorado Grassroots Organizers, Betty Harris, Steven Best, The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
YES WE CAN! News & Alerts

Exxon CEO Joins Anti-Fracking Lawsuit
After Drilling Threatens His Property Value
By Lindsay Abrams,
It seems it's not so easy to be pro-fracking when it affects you directly. READ MORE» <>
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