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Hi Tony,
<ul ng-include="isIE8()? 'template using ngrepeat" : "template using sf-virtualscroller"''>
Move the <li ...>..</li>
inside the corresponding templates
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So here is how you could programatically add a directive in a relatively clean way:
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
app.directive('myRepeat', function($compile){
return {
//High priority means it will execute first
priority: 5000,
//Terminal prevents compilation of any other directive on first pass
terminal: true,
compile: function(element, attrs){
//Add ng-repeat to the dom
attrs.$set('ngRepeat', attrs.myRepeat);
//Now that we added ng-repeat to the element, proceed with compilation
//but skip directives with priority 5000 or above to avoid infinite
//recursion (we don't want to compile ourselves again)
var compiled = $compile(element, null, 5000);
return function(scope){
//When linking just delegate to the link function returned by the new
Used like this:
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
This list is generated by a "my-repeat" directive which just programatically adds
the ""ng-repeat" to the li.
<li my-repeat="number in numbers">{{number}}</li>
In this case this is just a simple use of the technique to illustrate how you could do it. I am just translating a “my-repeat” directive and adding an ‘ng-repeat’ directive dynamically with the same expression. You could obviously modify this example to suit your needs by adding different directive attributes depending on the values of certain conditions.
The code above has the following benefits:
I’ve tried to comment the code to explain what it’s doing, but there might be some advanced topics there that may not be familiar to you unless you are very experienced with directives.
Let me know if you want me to explain
Here is the plunkr to play with:
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