Why Angularjs called framework and instead of JavaScript library?

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Mar 30, 2016, 8:09:37 AM3/30/16
to AngularJS

Here my doubt is Angularjs called as framework and jquery called as library. What is the difference between these two. What are the scenario to call a library as framework. Both  Angularjs and jquery we need to include a javascript file or files.

I know this is stupid question. But I'm really confused with these two terms.

Bobbin Paulose

András Csányi

Mar 30, 2016, 8:49:32 AM3/30/16
to ang...@googlegroups.com

I think the fact Angular provides you MV* framework capabilities with routing and everything is enough to have the framework word.

As far as I know jQuery deals only UI stuff, not MV* stuff.

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--  Csanyi Andras (Sayusi Ando)  -- http://sayusi.hu -- http://facebook.com/andras.csanyi
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Martin Wawrusch

Mar 30, 2016, 4:24:16 PM3/30/16
to AngularJS
A library provides functionality, a framework provides structure. You write your code "the Angular way". 


Mar 30, 2016, 9:01:18 PM3/30/16
to AngularJS
It's not a stupid question at all, it's a very good question! I also love this response from Stack Overflow and I keep it book marked for occassions like this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3057526/framework-vs-toolkit-vs-library

Thaina Yu

Sep 30, 2016, 12:38:09 AM9/30/16
to AngularJS
Well, I'm game programmer and there is long debate about difference between engine(library) and framework

There is a short answer that "With engine, you call function. But with framework, function call you"

It may not so obvious but framework, unlike engine, mostly told you that you have some pattern you must follow. But inbetween of that pattern is your logic you want to happen. framework will manage many things for you

Unlike engine that you need to maintain state of engine along with your logic. You make a start, loop and finish with your own style then call engine to do work when you want

Framework is not so peculiar. HTML/JS is actually a framework. You write script tag and expect it to be called from browser. Angular and other framework just wrap another layer to make your life easier when you need to focus on logic
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