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<angular/> 0.9.0 Dragon Breath released

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Igor Minar

Oct 21, 2010, 2:02:49 AM10/21/10
Hi Folks,

Some of you might know that one of our recent priorities was to create a release process for angular. I'm happy to announce that we just had our first versioned release today - v0.9.0, code name Dragon Breath. 

Here is a brief layout of our release process:
- weekly releases, with the aim to tag a release on Tuesdays (yeah, things didn't go as smoothly as planned this week :-) )
- start at v0.9.0 (this number is relatively arbitrary, angular has been under development for 2 years and there are real world applications built with it, but we know that our api will still slightly change, so we don't want to call it 1.0)
- each release will increment the last digit, and eventually when we feel really good about our APIs we'll release 1.0
- each version will have a fancy code name just for fun, our theme is "super powers" (code name suggestions are welcome)
- release notes will be published in the file in our repository, summarizing all major changes and any backward incompatibilities
- versioned build artifacts will be published at

As for the 0.9.0 release, the release notes can be found here:

And following are the links for the main build artifacts:

Any suggestions or comments related to our release process, 0.9.0 release or angular in general are welcome.

Some of you asked us how you can help. Our answer is: build real world applications with angular and let us know what works well and what doesn't. The more angular applications all of us build and provide feedback on the experience, the better angular will be.

The <angular/> team
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