I have currently 2 issues with Angle on macOS. I tried with the prebuilt libraries that come with Google Chrome as well as libraries build by myself, with the exact same results.
Note that I am using raylib/glfw for the base framework and I build with (cmake) option OPENGL_VERSION "ES 2.0" to force using the Angle dylibs (libGLESv2.dylib and libEGL.dylib)
Issue #1.
If I run a very basic code (draw a rectangle, draw the fps count) without using any (glfw) hint, then Angle uses the renderer under src/libAngle/renderer/gl/clg. It is very (crazy) fast and I am getting 17000fps (yes it is not a typo). But the rendering is wrong when there is alpha involved. For example I am rendering a rectangle with color {40, 73, 122, 137} on a black background, but I am getting this shade (measuring it gives: 83/101/127)
So that is the issue I have: it seems that it is not handling alpha blending properly. Somehow it seems to be related to srgb, but I don't know why it is doing that nor what I can do to fix it.
Issue #2
If I use the glfw hint glfwInitHint(GLFW_ANGLE_PLATFORM_TYPE, GLFW_ANGLE_PLATFORM_TYPE_METAL), then Angle uses the renderer under src/libAngle/renderer/metal. Which is what I am expecting. The rendering is "right" and looks like this (notice how the shade is much darker than before)
But the issue I have in this case is that the framerate seems to be limited to 60fps, although it is quite erratic, sometime jumping to 200fps and back down to 60fps. I do confirm that I call swapInterval with a value of 0, which translate into this Angle call
// SurfaceMt.mm line 502
mMetalLayer.get().displaySyncEnabled = interval != 0;
Every single time I pause in the debugger I end up on this call which seems to be what is throttling the entire loop:
The (Objective C) call [CAMetalLayer nextDrawable] in SurfaceMtl.mm ends up being a major bottleneck, sometime waiting 16ms... hence the 60fps. I am not sure what to do about this.
If anybody has any insight/tip for either Issue 1 or 2, please let me know. I will be more than happy to try things locally.
Thank you