I built ANGLE with below args
angle_assert_always_on = true
is_clang = false
angle_enable_d3d9 = false
angle_enable_d3d11 = false
angle_enable_gl = false
angle_enable_metal = false
angle_enable_null = false
angle_enable_vulkan = true
angle_enable_essl = true
angle_enable_glsl = true
angle_use_vulkan_display = true
Once I try to use the lib to run my GLES app, I get below error
Error loading EGL entry points: failed to load library (SearchType::ModuleDir) C:\ANGLE_Experiment\Work\libGLESv2.dll
The code points to 2 places where this error is reflected and I could guess that I would have to set something like ANGLE_DISPATCH_LIBRARY during the build. Note that I have to build angle on one machine and use it on another. I hope that wont be causing any issues.
Am I missing something ?