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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Jul 28, 2011, 6:50:04 PM7/28/11
to Angel Fantasy
- Noahide Books -

Featuring the Works of Karaite-Noahide Author

Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Including the

‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’

All works © by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

READERSHIP: I confer upon 100% of humanity in all its history and time
periods the eternal and unceasing right to

read, study, learn, take knowledge from, teach, follow and integrate
into their lives in any way they so choose, the

entire knowledge base of Haven Noahide Fellowship, Noahide Books, the
Chronicles of the Children of Destiny and

the teachings of the Rainbow Bible. However, apart from those parts of
the teachings and chronicles specified as Public Domain

(of which there are some) I retain the rights of Publishing and
Printing – I retain copyrights, in other words. However, all documents

specified may be freely printed on a PC Printer on A4 paper for any of
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arrangement. Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly, July 6175 SC (July 2011 CE/

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handwrite any material.

Various Items:

The First Rainbow Bible and Spiritual Devotional Series of Haven
Noahide Fellowship

The Ruth Septet

Email me:

The Chronicles of the Children of Destiny

Volume Zero + Volumes 1 to 39 make up the ‘Standard Edition’ of the
‘Chronicles of the Children of Destiny’

(In the ‘Complete edition’, I plan on writing a considerable number
more, but that will wait to the ‘World to Come’. The first selection
of the proposed titles from the first 20 Arcs of the ‘Complete
Edition’ can be found at the bottom of this page. The ‘Standard
Edition’ and the ‘Complete Edition’ share the same Volumes 0 to 32.
After Volume 32 the sagas continue differently, the Standard version
being a greatly abbreviated version of the ‘Chronicles’, ending at
Volume 39, mainly intended to cater for readers who only wish a much
shorter saga than the voluminous ‘Complete Edition’)

Volume Zero ‘In The Beginning’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

‘In The Beginning’ introduces us in a series of short stories, and one
novel, to the world of the Children of Destiny. This volume was
written later on after ‘Morning Stars’ had been completed, but is
technically set before the events of Morning Stars in the earlier
realms. We see ‘Home’ introduced, with ‘Metatron’ and ‘Logos’ and
‘Memra’ shown for the first time, alongside the ‘Theophany’ of God.
There are short tales on them, after which the major work for this
volume, the novel ‘Infinity’, takes place. Infinity focuses on the
firstborn angel of the Realm of Infinity, the Onaphim Angel ‘Samael’,
alongside his friendships with ‘Aphrayel’ the female Celestyel angel
and ‘Sandalphon’ the firstborn of the second seven angels, the
‘Oraphim’ angels. In opposition to ‘Logos’, who is established as
ruler over the ‘Realm of Infinity’ Sandalphon and Samael dream up
plans of ‘Democracy’ in an attempt to gain more liberty and freedom
for the angels, away from the stranglehold of the authority of Logos.
Satan is introduced, as well as the 7 Saruvim angels, but after a dire
encounter with one of the Celestyels, Satan and his Saruvim brethren
are cast out of the Realm of Infinity. The novel reaches its climax,
and perhaps purpose, with the major vote on council to determine the
future of the Realm of Infinity, perhaps an unexpected conclusion to
some. Samael, with all his subtle sarcasms and ‘All Knowing’
personality, alongside the wisdom of Aphrayel and the devilish antics
of Sandalphon, are all hallmarks of a truly entertaining tale.

Volume One ‘Morning Stars’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

What happens when an Angel dares to question the status quo? What
happens when an angel, perhaps destined for glory, decides to do
things ‘HIS’ way, as opposed to the sound wisdom of the Torah and the
knowledge of the Holy One on High? ‘Saruviel’ is such an angel.
‘Morning Stars’ is the beginning of the ‘Realm of Eternity’ and
Archangel Michael is the firstborn Seraphim Angel of this Realm. But
when the seventh-born male Seraphim Angel, dread Lord Saruviel is
born, only trouble can follow. After eating the ‘forbidden fruit’
Saruviel begins a journey which will lead him to host the rebellion
against the established ways of the Realm of Eternity, all in the name
of ‘Freedom’. Telling a variant of the traditional tale of Satan’s
rebellion, Saruviel must ‘Follow His Destiny’ to find just what makes
the heart of freedom such a challenging temptation and such a
responsibility. This volume introduces us to the ‘Realm of Eternity’
which is the setting place for the majority of the action throughout
the planned future history of the ‘Chronicles of the Children of
Destiny’ universe.

Volume Two ‘Ecclesia’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

The sequel to ‘Morning Stars’, the ecclesia themselves are never
named, and not even really talked about as a particular group, but
they are the stars of this continuation of the storyline introduced in
‘Morning Stars’. The pivotal storyline is the love triangle between
‘Ambriel’ and ‘Meludiel’ and ‘Daniel’, ending in a most happy way for
one particular angel. A novel which brings the lighter side of life
to the Realm of Eternity, after the heavier focus on Saruviel in the
first novel. AUTHOR’s NOTE: Morning Stars was the first novel I
finished writing in my life, and was written with an intention of
being quite holy and up to a high standard which people fussy on
spiritual issues can appreciate. Ecclesia, alternatively, was meant
to introduce concepts of humour and sarcasm and other perhaps racy
subjects for a broader audience and a more mainstream approach.
Volumes 2, 3 & 4 are much more similar in this respect, and flow
together well as I see it.

Volume Three ‘Rebellion’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

The sequel to ‘Ecclesia’, Rebellion is a logical continuation again,
with ‘Gloryel’ and ‘Sariel’ being the major stars of this work. Of
course, the ‘Battle for Zaphon’ is a triumph for one particular angel
of marked ego, but is written with good humour and obvious charm.
‘Rebellion’ asks the question, who indeed serves God, and which angels
are doing just that – ‘Rebelling’ against the authority of God. For
those who liked Volume One and Two, Volume Three is no great
surprise. AUTHOR’s NOTE: Rebellion was written just after Ecclesia
and did not take long to write. It feels very similar to elements of
Ecclesia to me, so if you enjoyed volume 2 you will most probably
enjoy volume 3 and 4. Later on in Volume 11 ‘Anthology’ we return to
some stories in the Realm of Eternity, particularly the ‘Life in
Zaphon’ story, which serves well as a prequel storyline to ‘Morning
Stars II’, which also flows quite nicely into ‘Lazy Days’.

Volume Four ‘Tales of Eternity’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

In a sense, a conclusion to the initial ‘Realm of Eternity’
storylines, before Volume Fives sends many of the angels into their
human incarnations on earth. Eternity is a simple continuation of the
past three volumes, answering a number of questions, and concluding
with the ‘Wedding of Eternity’. Thereafter are a series of short
stories to embellish knowledge of particular angels of the Realm of
Eternity. AUTHOR’s NOTE: The novella in this volume titled
‘Eternity’ is a logical continuation from volume 2 and 3, and feels
quite similar to these works. It is also a little more serious than
volume 2 and 3 and has a bit more of the drama of Morning Stars
associated with it – perhaps. In ‘Morning Stars’ I was learning all
about the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny universe, and still
am, not having figured it out completely. But with experience
hopefully the tales will grow in both entertainment value and genuine
interest value by the general public as well as the Noahide community.

Volume Five ‘Terra Chronicles’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

The beginnings of the human manifestations unfold in a series of
different tales featuring many of the angels introduced in the saga so
far. This volume is the history from the creation of the Earth of the
Physical Universe, and traces the manifestation in human form of a
number of the angels in their human sojourn. Such angels as Saruviel
of Eternity and Samael of Infinity are featured, as well as tales
about Davriel of Eternity, James child of Heaven, Kimborel of
Eternity, Gamrayel of Eternity and a number more. AUTHOR’s NOTE:
This volume is an eclectic volume of tales, practically an anthology
of different angel tales, but fits into the ‘Terra’ sequence of
storyline, culminating in ‘Judgement Day’ (Volume 10).

Volume Six ‘Pure and Honest Love’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

A Series of Novellas featuring ‘Samael’ of Infinity in his time on
earth, with his love affair for the Daughter of Eve, fair of heart and
beauty ‘Rachel’. Aphrayel’s heart is ‘Torn Asunder’ in Terra
Chronicles II, being the main star of that anthology collection, and
then a shorter focus on other characters. AUTHOR’s NOTE: ‘Ye Olde
Devil’ and ‘Rachael Daughter of Eve’ of this volume have been
published in paperback format. I own a number of copies of each, but
only the Rachael volume currently is for sale. ‘Ye Olde Devil’ was
originally written in just 2 days and was meant to be a separate short
story, simply for my own entertainment, about an alternative angel
universe after the ‘Morning Stars’ universe had been created. But it
turned out so well that I tweaked it a little and invented the ‘Realm
of Infinity’ concept and combined the universe with the ‘Morning
Stars’ universe to create the various ‘Realms’ of the ‘Chronicles’
universe as a whole. The idea seems to have worked well.

Volume Seven ‘Lucy Smith’ (Click On Me For Full Text to Story)

The Child of Heaven ‘Lucy’ is introduced in her human sojourn,
learning the lessons of life as a witch destined for glory. Lucy
Smith is also known as ‘Lucy Potter’ in the Harry Potter Fanfiction
works available via link from the bottom of this page. This volume is
the same as the first two Lucy Potter books, simply with all ‘J K
Rowling’ and ‘Warner Bros’ trademarked names changed for publishing
purposes for this particular novel. (I.e. Lucy Potter can not be
published yet, but Lucy Smith can). AUTHOR’s NOTE: Actually, this
volume was initially written as ‘Lucy Potter’ and then ‘Lucy Potter
and the Vengeance of Lucifer’ and was just meant to be ‘Harry Potter’
fanfiction. The characters of Madalene Bridges and Jayden Bridges and
Georgia Bridges are my nieces and nephew. Georgia really has a scar,
as related in the story, but got the scar from banging her head on the
washing machine here at 29 Merriman crescent when she was little.
Links below show the ‘J K Rowling – Lucy Potter’ link to the website
were there is also a volume 3 titled ‘Lucy Potter and the Golden
Sovereigns’ which has not been converted into a Chronicles story yet.

Volume Eight ‘Love’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

The family of ‘David Rothchild’ amongst others is focused upon and
‘David’s’ life before his messianic duties is shown. The Baptist
Christian girl ‘Justine Atkinson’ just may be the heart of love David
Rothchild falls for, but how does the angel ‘Meludiel’ figure into
this? AUTHORs NOTE: This volume has one part of it written from a
somewhat ‘First Person’ perspective. Growing up I really did not like
reading stories or text written this way, but this seemed to come out
naturally and, for me anyway, reading it in the first person really
works quite well. But the first person perspective is mainly
‘Narrative’, so hopefully reads quite smoothly in the end. I am
particularly fond of this novel and, in the real world, have had
experiences with an angelic sort of figure which ‘David Rothchild –
Ambriel’ later became moulded upon. Ironically, Ambriel was initially
going to be called ‘Sean Kennedy’, but after my angel encounters
another plot came along.

Volume Nine ‘Destiny’s Children’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

A series of novellas and short stories focusing on human characters,
and angels to be, ‘Destiny’s Children’ is an anthology collection sure
to delight. AUTHORs NOTE: The ‘Destiny’s Children’ title may be
repeated possibly later on in the saga, which may include again
characters features in this volume such as ‘The Gilmore’ family and
‘Jack Dagger’ as well as stories of the early Kolby family. The Kolby
family featured in ‘Shards of a Broken Heart’ are the ancestors of
‘Jack Kolby – the illustrious Rimwalker’ from Volume 12.

Volume Ten ‘Judgement Day’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

In a sense, the conclusion to the ‘Terra’ story arc of the saga, but
the tale is far from finished. A dramatic conclusion, with a unique
ending, hopefully bringing ultimately hope to those who in the past
would have deeply questioned the wisdom of God on such an important
issue. NOTE: Judgement Day to me, personally, sorts of answers a lot
of questions about the historical person ‘Jesus of Nazareth’ and his
Messianic claims. To be quite precise, Haven Noahide Fellowship is a
‘Non-Christian’ fellowship and does not believe that Jesus was the
Messiah. But this is handled in a very careful manner throughout the
storyline of the ‘Chronicles’ with the intention of Christian readers
who have a strong attachment to the person of Jesus to also enjoy
stories about their beloved friend who, in the end, I am quite fond of
in a normal human sense. I like much of his moral teachings in other

Volume Eleven ‘Anthology’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

A large collection of short stories, culminating in the end of the
first Arc of the saga with the ‘Life in Zaphon’ storyline. AUTHORs
NOTE: Alongside the ‘Morning Stars’ titles, the ‘Anthology’ title
will feature in every future ARC of the saga with a new numerical
volume number. An ARC represents 1 million years of ‘Chronicles’
universe history. It is simply an avenue to tell shorter stories in
the saga, just snapshots, which are easier to write by myself and not
always that canon compliant in many ways. Technically they are all
supposed to be canon stories, but some are definitely written with a
bit of tongue in cheek.

Volume Twelve ‘Rimwalker’ (Click Me For Full Text to Story)

The ‘Science Fiction’ epic of the Chronicles, set in the future of the
Earth’s universe. Introduces ‘Jan Kolby’ and ‘Chance Kibb’star’.
AUTHORs NOTE: This work seems to be genuine Science Fiction or, as I
call it, genuine ‘Space Fiction’. It chronicles an adventurer
travelling through the stars who ultimately rises up to glory as the
defender of humanity. At times I have felt this is my best work but,
apart from that, it is probably my most ‘Commercially accessible’ work
coming into the more mainstream Sci Fi crowd more easily than the rest
of my angelic literature which, perhaps, has a more particular

Volume Thirteen ‘Morning Stars II’ (Click me for Full Text to Story)

Daniel the Seraphim is an angel of great ambition. Partnered with his
eternal Seraphim friend Valandriel, the two of them conceive of a plot
to help them gain another step towards their long held goal of
absolute dominion over the Realm of Eternity. But will the 'Prophecies
of the Seraphim Daniel' be enough to thwart the will and power of
Gabriel, new to the position of Overseer of the Realm. Also, Ambriel's
love for Justine Atkinson is renewed, and Saruviel considers his
ultimate destiny to be a 'Creator' like his eternal father. AUTHOR’s
NOTE: The ‘Morning Stars’ title was inspired by the real life angel
‘Ambriel’ who showed up in my head saying ‘Morning Stars 2’. And so I
used the title as the basis for each new ARC and Gabriel has the glory
for the second ARC and Raphael the third and so on. I personally feel
this is a much deeper and more theological work than the earlier
writings, but it is also quite intense storytelling from some of the
character plots as well. More a series of plots on a common theme
than a particular novel with one main tale, Morning Stars II is
perhaps some of my maturing work as a writer and I am very happy with
it. It leads very well into the ‘Lazy Days’ volume, which follows a
similar structure in some ways.

Volume Fourteen ‘Lazy Days’ (Click me for Full Text to Story)

Continuing on from Morning Stars II, a pleasant and relaxing time for
the Realm of Eternity and the other Realms of God. No great tensions,
no great fusses, but a careful examination into a contended world,
were theological discussions of, hopefully, good humour, take place.
This volume answers some unanswered questions, and is a happy little
work of its own merit. AUTHOR’s NOTE: Lazy Days is a typical
Chronicles volume in as much as it seems to almost be exactly that – a
series of Chronicles of various characters, which, although I have not
written them intentionally to be Chronicles, seemed to have funnily
turned out like that, meaning, I chose the title of the saga well. As
a note to returning readers of my books, it is in fact true that,
while I sit down and write each and every story in this saga, later on
I see things working out in this saga which I never planned and which
come together in good harmony. I am of the opinion to some degree
that a higher power (hopefully God or some divine angel) has a large
influence in the words I write in this storyline.

Volume Fifteen ‘Andrew and Jessica’


Volume Sixteen ‘Eternity and Other Stories II’


Volume Seventeen ‘Lucy Smith: The Quest for Greldir’s Diamond Ring’


Volume Eighteen ‘Rimwalker: Curiousity Killed the Cat’


Volume Nineteen ‘Anthology II’


Volume Twenty ‘Ambriel and Meludiel’


Volume Twenty-One ‘Daniel and Valandriel: Angels on a Mission’


Volume Twenty-Two ‘Samael’s Subtle Sarcasms’


Volume Twenty-Three ‘Metatron and Logos: War of the Worlds II’


Volume Twenty-Four ‘Valandriel and Daniel: Dare to Dream’


Volume Twenty-Five ‘Morning Stars III’


Volume Twenty-Six ‘Azrael and Cosadriel’


Volume Twenty-Seven ‘Saruviel: The Sands of Infinite Progression’


Volume Twenty-Eight ‘Eternity and Other Stories III’


Volume Twenty-Nine ‘Lucy Smith: Shelandragh’s Dark Secrets’


Volume Thirty ‘Tales of Infinity’


Volume Thirty-One ‘Rimwalker: Dreams of Empire’


Volume Thirty-Two ‘Anthology III’


Volume Thirty-Three ‘Michael: Life in General’


Volume Thirty-Four ‘Raphael’


Volume Thirty-Five ‘Daniel and Ariel’


Volume Thirty-Six ‘Saruviel’s Glory’


Volume Thirty-Seven ‘Michael’s Triumph’


Volume Thirty-Eight ‘Daniel’


Volume Thirty-Nine ‘All’s Well that Ends Well’ (Click me for FULL text
to Story)

The Final Volume of the Chronicles.

Encyclopaedia of the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny

Links to my other fiction websites








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