New Knowledge Ministries

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Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly

Jun 27, 2011, 7:21:07 PM6/27/11
to Angel Fantasy
 ‘New Knowledge Ministries’
Formed by
Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly
© 2011 by Daniel Thomas Andrew Daly & Noahide Books
I have completed my work in Karaite Noahide faith with the
establishment online of the doctrine and reading literature for what I
call the ‘7 Divine Fellowships’.  These 7 fellowships are:
Haven Noahide Fellowship
Assembly of the Divine Creator
Universal Faith Assembly
Assembly of the Living God
Universal Truth Assembly
Assembly of the Most High
Haven Adamide Fellowship
Those 7 Karaite Noahide Fellowships were established in an online
presence specifically in my quest to relate to Almighty God and his
religion.  The main website where you can access all these sites from
In the Chronicles of the Children of Destiny in ‘Morning Stars 2’ it
speaks of ‘The New Agenda’.  The New Agenda is simply this – new
religion – new spirituality – new ideas, not yet embraced, yet
hopefully also true in nature.  So I have decided to form the
teachings for my own ‘New Agenda’ ministry which will be called:
‘New Knowledge Ministries’.
Here are the 20 Rules of New Knowledge Ministries.
1.     Study New Knowledge in Religion
2.     Think about this New Knowledge
3.     Develop Critical Thinking
4.     Learn to understand the way of knowledge particular to yourself
5.     Learn to know your own faith viewpoints and your own mind
6.     Ask questions of all religious leaders to grow in New Knowledge
7.     Learn to understand that different people have different
perspectives on Knowledge
8.     Learn to seek the truth about New Knowledge
9.     Develop patience as a virtue in your quest to understand New
10.                       Pay attention to aspects of New Knowledge
which appeal to you
11.                       Understand that some ideas in New Knowledge
may work for you and some may not
12.                       Teach other people aspects of New Knowledge
that you feel motivated to
13.                       Share your own New Knowledge with people
with courtesy and respect
14.                       If you have insight, develop your own
teaching of New Knowledge
15.                       Seek out Principles of New Knowledge which
appear to be eternal – they will last
16.                       Write articles about New Knowledge
17.                       Give speeches about New Knowledge
18.                       Be well educated in New Knowledge
19.                       Stay culture current and up to date with New
20.                       Keep on studying New Knowledge
So, in a sense, the philosophy behind ‘New Knowledge Ministries’ is to
adapt to a world which constantly bombards us with new information on
religious ideas as well as new ideas in all other areas of life, not
just religious.  It is a set of rules to create a mindset of how to
cope with societal change and to work through issues which arise from
other people to find your own faith in truth which will work and last
for you.
In the ‘Eternal’ life of the World To Come, the purpose of ‘New
Knowledge Ministries’ will be as a ‘Mentoring Ministry’ mainly
intending to guide people in how they approach differing religions and
to find an approach to adjust to and potentially incorporate ‘New
Knowledge’ into their life.  In this sense it is not so much a New
Religion in its own right, although the rules contain religious
thought, but rather it is a philosophy or approach to understanding
the issues of a diverse array of spiritual knowledge presented to you
and how you might go about finding within this knowledge, if you
desire, those aspects which appeal to you.
I foresee that this ministry is more of a ‘Lecturing’ type of ministry
in the form of ‘Speeches’ and ‘Presentations’ at business type
seminars, rather than in a particular religious temple like sense.  It
is probably more in tune with a ‘Self Help’ philosophy than on
specific religious truths itself, but its focus is on how to approach
the religious question and approach the challenge of a diverse array
of religious and spiritual thought.
In this sense I will be seeking for this ministry for the ‘World To
Come’ scenario, men and women interested in specializing in this type
of ‘Lecturing’ ministry, Are you the kind of person who, in the world
to come, may be interested in working in this sort of sphere in a
spiritual ministerial sense?  If you are, read through this article a
few times.  I teach that the ‘Ultimate’ World to Come, beyond any
second resurrections and so on is in a ‘Heavenly’ universe, were life
goes on in a very similar way to as we know it on earth now anyway. 
Thus, if this kind of ministry sounds appealing to yourself, keep this
in mind and connect to me in the ‘World to Come’ for a hopefully
exciting and rewarding ministerial opportunity..
Some of the core associated beliefs thus are:
·        God exists
·        The World to Come is similar to this one in which the
economic business world functions
·        People in the World to Come seek answers also to illuminate
their minds on spiritual principles
·        Our Ministry can serve a purpose in the World To Come to
connecting people to ideas they may find useful in their lives –
connecting them to the right kinds of knowledge that are useful for
·        The avenue of our approach is Fee-for-service lectures in
‘Lecture Theatre’s’ for the business world and also for various
religious bodies who might find use in our service
The movie ‘Up in the Air’ features a typical ‘New Knowledge’ ministry
with the guru teaching, in that particular example, a ‘Minimalist’
approach to life.  Our own ministry is, rather, to present people with
the options available to them in the ‘New Age’ and the ‘Self Help’ and
the ‘Spirituality’ and the ‘Religious’ world and give them the tools
to learn how to incorporate those aspects of knowledge into their
lives in a way which gives them personal satisfaction and fulfilment.
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